The bayou

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You must be Marcellus bastard? Your reminding me of being a bastard for? Why are you here? I was born here, I was just passed around through foster care. Really Miles, a mysterious woman who took cared of him as a infant asked. Your still handsome... You are? I took cared of you as a infant. Me your little brother... What? A little kid came from behind her. From your mom, she slept with a wolf.... Your lying, my mothers dead... is she? His eyes turned purple and black as his veins rushed to his eyes. You must get out of here, there turning.. Picking up the child, Miles looked at him in his eyes. C'mon we have to go.. Who are you? Your big brother. Your Miles, he said with excitement. Yeah, he smiled. We're are we going? Um, to the French quarter for some food... My mommy said it's not safe. Well your big bro got this.. What are you werewolves doing in the vampires turf, she said curiously not hostile. I'm not a werewolf. I'm a tribrid who doesn't like to be toyed with. Let me guess your Klaus bastard? Klaus isn't my father, he's more of a grandsire I guess. Marcellus bastard huh? He just made me he's not my father. You look like him, you have his eyes. Lady what do you want? My name is Hayley Marshal. Your telling me fooooooor? Rude much? Usually when a lady ask me about my father and knows him they want to take me by force. As in killing you or ra-? Yes rape. I won't let you take me! Pulling out a knife he threw it at her trying to distract her. Using his vamp speed he and Marcus the baby went to Rousseau's. Wait here no one will hurt you your a Gerad like me... He rushed to Hayley. His eyes glowed purple and black as veins rushed to the black part of his eyes. That's enough Miles. Marcel, Hayley asked. The hell are you doing here? Something you don't need to worry about. Miles tried to walk away but Marcel grabbed him and you guess it, that didn't go well. Grabbing Marcellus he snapped his neck. Coward! He walked off full of rage. Walking into the restaurant he took Marcus too he picked him up. Big brother where did you go? Oh crap I forgot our milkshakes. MILKSHAKES? Yeah, you wanna come with me this time? Yes! Placing him down the walked out the restaurant holding hands. I never been in this part of the city. Most baby wolves haven't. I'm not a baby. Sure you aren't. Walking through the quarter he saw Marcel again. Father? This our daddy? No he's mines, sadly. Give me a chance to get to be your father, please. Who's this little guy? My baby brother, from my mother obviously. Lucy had another kid... Are you coming, Dad? We're are we going? Willies chicken shack. Haven't had that in a while.. Walking into the shack they sat down and ordered. I would have 4 piece chicken tenders and fries, said marcel. 10 piece crab legs... Drinks? 3 milk shakes, Marcus said. Will that be all? Yes. That'll be 30.39. Cash or credit? Cash. He gave her a hundred. You keep the change. You just give away 100 like that big bro? I have a job, I sell diamonds so I can have money to provide for myself.. Where do you live? I live in school, well I used too but it's the end of school for now. Miles, was school fun? School was weird, I fought a big monster. For real, Marcus said in excitement. Listening he heard females in talking about him. He's so cute he has to be mixed, his hair is just so stand off-ish.. He alright, the other girl said. Here's your food... Miles go talk to them. I'm just gonna go get the shakes... Getting up out his seat he walked over where the girls were. Grabbing there milkshakes his wallet dropped with a stack of money. Placing the shakes down he picked up his wallet and money. Grabbing the shakes ounce again he took them to his table. Flashing them with money doesn't make them want you... Yeah I know I was trying to test something, they failed terribly. How did they fail, Marcus asked him. They didn't touch my hand like in the movies... Marcel laughed at him. Are you serious yo, Miles laughed. Do you have any expertise with women? No, I never had a girlfriend... Maybe I should be a emo tribrid like Hope she gets all the girls and guys. You want to get guys too? No that's not what I meant, she attracts I guess. Big brother I'm tired... looking down he saw the milk shake was gone. I'll take him, Marcel said. You can trust me... I know, you have a policy against harming kids in anyway possible... Reaching for Marcel, Marcus picked him up. You should get back to your friends... I think I'll stay a while, I have a city to run, his pupils turn purple and his eye balls turn black with veins rushing to them as this chapter comes to a close.

The mikealson reject: Marcellus bastardWhere stories live. Discover now