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-your pov, at JFK's house-

I was digging my toes into the sand at the beach, behind JFK's residency. The sun began to set into the horizon as I closed my eyes, and inhaled the scent of salt. I then lied down onto the soft, off-white sand while exhaling. I observed my surroundings, and spotted an acoustic guitar, lying flat across a large, smooth rock. I walked to the guitar, and let my eyes wrap around the design of it. It was a Martin D-28 acoustic, that was painted and polished with a walnut brown. I widened my eyes in shock.

"That's one of the best guitar brands out there!" I thought. There's no way I could not play this. I picked up the guitar gently, and slowly descended onto the pillow of sand, Facing the beautiful tangerine orange sunset. I then began to play.

As I climaxed the song, I opened my eyes and felt tiny rumbles next to me. I looked to my left to see JFK. Then to my right to see Ponce. I smiled at them, but was abruptly startled at the sensation of someone jumping onto my back, and squeezing me.

"Y/nnnnn! why did you suddenly leave? You had us worried sick!" A voice that resembled Cleo's whined out.

I chuckled, and slowly said "It's nothing, don't worry yourselves."

which we all know was bullshit. Abe is gonna out me to the whole school. Of course it's something. I was looking down at the bronze strings of the guitar, with my slender fingers on the wires. A single teardrop landed on the walnut shade guitar. JFK took notice of this, and hugged me.

"That was a nice song, y/n. Do you wanna..." he paused to stroke my hair. "Head back to the house? We can make some cookies! If you want, they can come too. What do you say-"

"Yes. Please. Yes, to everything you just said. Let's go." I said, with a small smile.

——kitchen 7PM——

Ponce had to leave, due to his adoptive mother's calling, and Cleo had to leave as well, because she promised she would go out to the mall with some of her lady friends. It was just Jack and I, because his dads were out, on a date.

Here we were, making chocolate chip cookies from scratch. I was standing next to him, about 7 inches apart, while I watched him skillfully beat the mix, consisting of a typical cookie recipe. However, I think I found out what made his dad's cookies so good. There is a light amount of pure, 100% natural, coconut extract mixed into the blend.

"Where do you keep the chocolate chips, Jack?" I asked my boyfriend-

Wait, was he my boyfriend? Or was it just a heat of the moment thing? I should be direct with him, but I'm scared of rejection.

Snapping me from my short thought, JFK answered. "Just in the corner cabinet to your farthest right. Ain't too high up, I don't think. You should be able to reach it, shorty." He joked, while smirking. He kept his eyes on the batter, as he swayed his hip to my side, playfully bumping it.

I snorted. "I'm not short, dude. I'm just a bit shorter than you, Mr. Fitzgerald." I rebutted, using his last name mockingly.

He cackled, and shot me a toothy grin. "Whatevs man, just give me a holler if you need help!" He humorously responded.

I rolled my eyes with a grin of my own, and muttered "Yeah, yeah." Before taking off to the opposite side of the large kitchen. I pulled the metal handle, revealing the contents of the cabinet.

'Chocolate chips... chocolate chips... aha!'

They were there, alright. I stood on my tip toes, but still, I couldn't reach it. I decided on jumping to try and grab it, but I STILL couldn't reach it. I would climb on the counter, but that's rude. Nonetheless, at someone's house. I growled under my breath, and squinted my eyes at the chocolate chips.

The longer I looked, the higher up it seemed to go.

'I thought I was tall?'
'Am I not manly enough?'
'Do I even pass?'

My thoughts were abruptly ended, when I felt a squeeze on my left shoulder. I jumped a little bit, and spun towards him.

I noticed he wiped my cheek, while caressing my face in his large, rough-ish hands.

"Handsome, why are you crying?" He asked, concernedly.

I was crying? Oops.

"I just... got a bit dysphoric when I couldn't reach it, is all." I muttered while looking into his glimmering jade eyes.

He smiled sadly, and tapped my cheek with his thumb. "I was joking when I called you short, babe. You're not short, not by a long shot."

I sniffled, and leaped into a hug with him, smiling into his chest.

He released a throaty chuckle. "Hows about we finish making the cookies, yeah?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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