>:U grr owo uwu rawr xD :3

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Well, that marks the end of my first class. I packed up my 70 paged notebook, and stuffed my black gel pen into my pocket. I peer to my right to see Kennedy snoring. Ponce told me he had to leave to P.E., so he left Ken to me. We were the last two in class, so it's going to be... awkward. I take a gulp, sucking in my anxiety and shook him awake. He slowly stirred up and rubbed his eyes, clearing his vision a bit, and offered a smile. I giggled in a high pitched tone, because I've only been on testosterone for 11 months. I gasped and brought my hands to my mouth.

No no no! He's gonna catch on. I stared wide-eyed at him in fear. Fuck...

He cackled, "Did you er uh, have a voice crack? It's alright, y/n. Happens to the best of us!" Ken said amused. "Y-Yeah, a voice crack. A voice crack...

"Well, let's go!" Said Kennedy. I smiled and followed him to next class. 

"The next teacher, Mr. Pusok, is a real asshole. He freaks out over nothing. So uh, just try and ignore his bitchiness." He snorted at what he said, shortly I followed his laughter. We stopped walking and slowly gazed into each other's crystalline eyes. Mine e/c, while his are green. The perfect combination...  We must've been staring at each other for a  while, because we noticed that people stopped walking in the hallways to stare at the small scene before them. We were both blushing madly, and leaning in to one another, so close that we could feel the other's warm breath. There was the sound of a camera going off, and that was our cue to back up from each other. I broke the awkwardness by saying "Hey, how about we walk to class?" 

Ken snapped out of his trance, and nodded "Y-Yeah. Let's go." he said quickly. With that, we walked there.

-In Mr. Pusok's class-

We were about halfway done with class, when he saw that Kennedy got the wrong answer on a simple question in his work. He walked over, and tapped on his shoulder with an angry expression. We were sitting right next to each other, so I heard everything. He grabbed his paper, and held it up. "Kennedy, what is this? Are you dumb?-" He reached over and snatched my paper with all correct answers. He pointed at mine, and crumbled JFK's up. "THIS is what your paper should look like-" he pointed to Ken's crumpled up paper, and said "not that garbage. What is your major malfunction? You-" I stood up and pushed the dick teacher away. Thankfully, I'm almost JFK's height, so I was able to look down on the teacher. "What the fuck are you doing? He's a student, and it's your job to help him, not insult him. Maybe if you did your job, he would learn!" I growled leaning into him. "GO TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE! I will NOT tolerate this disrespect coming from you." He yelled out, angrily. I smirked and sweetly said "No. I don't think I will." He got red with anger, and burst out his pent up anger onto me.

"You fucking kid! You can suck my dick, for all I care!" He got up into my face and started shoving me around. I was eventually backed up the the point where I smashed into JFK's desk, and because of the teacher, I rammed the desk into his chest. I froze and snapped my head towards the teacher. I saw raw anger in his eyes, which was also in mine.

"You'll get what you fucking deserve." I growled. I looked to JFK  and he had his head down in sadness, because the teacher always talks like this to him, degrading him to the point where he's self conscious about his smarts. That'll change. My eyes started to glow. My powers.. they're coming back. The school tried to take them away, but simple spells won't stop my ancestry from powering through. I chuckled deeply, and pierced the teacher with my glazing eyes. I had a crazed smile. When my witchly abilities start to come back, I can lose control of myself. 

Good. I'm gonna go full ham on this man, I've been cooping up my anger for the longest time, and now I can let it out.

My head started pounding. I'm... I'm getting a vision about this man! His wife... she... is being abused... locked up in his basement, only being fed once a day with a single glass of water... While she's pregnant?! My visions are never false! W-What am I gonna do? Holy shit...

I started freaking out, and the students noticed my eyes glowing. They were very clearly confused. I started crying involuntarily. This man is a monster. I need to hurt him. Bad.

I dashed towards him with pure bloodlust. I lunged to his neck, and threw him down onto the ground. I straddled onto his chest, using my glutes to crush his ribs, hindering his ability to breathe easily. It seemed while I was distracted trying to keep him still, he pulled a flip knife out of his pocket. He opened it and wildly slashed it around, shouting numerous profanities. I was able to stop and dodge most of them, but one got me. On my inner thigh. Where my... thing is. I need go home and take care of it, I refuse to let anyone see what lies underneath. But, I need to take care of this guy first. 

I started pounding his face, with enhanced power from my ability. Left fist, right fist, left fist, right fist. Blood was splashing all over the place. from the movement, I felt my cut wounds starting to open. Bleeding through my sweater. It was a white hoodie, so it was very visible. I cut myself before school. Don't ask me why, I don't know myself. But it helps distract me from life. And my first foster parents... fuck them. I felt even more blood seep from my fairly deep thigh wound, and my cuts all over my arms. I don't care. This man is a pest who must be exterminated.

I finished with a power blow from my right fist. His face is distorted as fuck. But that's not enough for him. He needs more. The students were crowding around us, cheering me on. They all must have their personal encounters with him. I was just the one brave enough to act on it. I feel myself getting hazy, but I can't stop here. No, I can't. 

I stood up, and started kicking the shit outta his side. I heard stomping towards the classroom, but I kept going. I'm gonna get caught anyway, so why stop there? Besides, I have an excuse. A couple of them, actually. I stopped to look at JFK, not noticing that I was crying. He ran over to me, and hugged me, not caring that I was covered in blood. He whispered soothing words in my ear, in an attempt to calm me down. I have to admit though, it's working. We were on the third floor, and I stared to the window. There's a flock of white birds flying by the window. Another vision.

It's... me? It seems to be during the Salem witch trials. I'm being hung... My vision ends there. Why did I see this? I hug JFK back. I cry into his chest. I just met him, but it feels like I've known him for eternity... The doors the classroom busted open, there was school security, the principal, and principal's aid. They walked in and peered around the scene, it confused and scared them. And that dumbass principle... he never let me live free or happy. I was bound to rebel. He did tests on me to find out if supposed magickal people can have magickal clones. Well, I was the subject of those tests. I've been gaining more and more power... So eventually, I'll overthrow my creator. But... Is this the right thing to do?

Clack Clack Clack. 

I put my hands behind my head, knowing I was going to be arrested. It's okay. I'll have my statement. I smirked, knowing I've won. I heard heavy running behind me, so I turned around. Before I could do anything, I was tackled to the floor.


Huh? But I wasn't a threat to them whatsoever? Fuck it. I'm gonna bust Mr. Poopsock, then continue with life. I can't screw up again if I want to stay at clone high. I need to talk to the principal after I'm released from incarceration. 

I looked up at the students, then JFK. He looked sad, but he knew he couldn't do anything.

"Y-Y/n! I'll come to your statement, okay?! Just be careful until then! Please!" JFK pleaded, with tears welling up into his eyes.

"Make sure you stay with Ponce. It's too dangerous for you to walk around by yourself."  I calmly responded, while on my knees being handcuffed.

He was taken aback by my statement. He had a confused and worried look on his face. "What do you mean? Why is it dangerous?" He said frantically.

I knew I was about to be walked out of the classroom in cuffs soon, so I shouted "Please, just listen to me! I don't have time to explain, but I'll tell you when I get out! Just stay with Ponce!" I was tugged up to a stand.

I'm just going to Exclamation's local jail. So Ponce and JFK should be fine by the time I get back...

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