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"O-Okay. Here's Wally" I stammered. I handed the phone to Wally, and he nervously took it from me. I paced around the room, trying to wrap my head around everything. "This was not how it was supposed to go. I just wanted to live a normal teenage life." I thought. I started seeing red because of my anger, and decided it was time to sit down. When I see red, it means my powers are charging up. My eyes are probably starting to glow now... great. I put my head down and shielded my eyes. I looked to the kitchen to see JFK staring at me. I looked him in his bright green eyes, and gave a short, exaggerated/fake smile. He took notice of this and turned pink. He stumbled back to the kitchen's island bar, and took a bite of his brownie. I averted my eyes back to the floor. I heard a click, and light steps towards me. I looked up and saw Wally crouch down my level, and gave a sympathetic smile to me. 

"Baby... I know this maybe a lot to take in, but... You're going to be living here from this point forward." He whispered as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, hugging me softly. I felt a warm tear roll down my face, and hugged him back without a second thought. I whimpered, because I don't remember the last time I got a genuine hug from a guardian.

"Please don't l-leave me..." I whispered. Wally chuckled, "Baby, I would never." He said as he let go of me. He stood up and pat my head twice, as you would a behaving dog. "I'm gonna go tell the news to Carl and Jack. I'll be back in a jiffy, y/n!" He said in his slightly Southern accent. I nodded and thanked him.

About maybe five minutes of bouncing my leg later, the trio came out. With Carl on the right, Jack in the middle, and Wally on the right. Carl looked as nonchalant as ever, Jack a tomato, and Wally, gleeful as always. 

"Welcome to our family, y/n!" They all said at once without skipping a beat. I felt my eyes start to sting, because of the tears welling up in my eyes. I stood up with a trembling lower lip, and squeezed all three of them in a tight hug. 

"Thank you... Thank you so much.  I promise, I'll be a good kid. For you guys." I whimpered. They patted my back, lending me some comfort for a moment.

dudes ive been trying to think of the plot. its so hard man.ill finish it when i find motivation. not like anyones reading anyway lmao.

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