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yes, I kind of got to the end of my story. In the end, I became a very popular actor, and so did Louis. I became Miss America, too. My life gets a lot more interesting as it goes by. Louis, in addition to an attractive actor, took an important role in his career, specifically in the new documentary Sex Pistols. Millie, being my best friend and his sister Louis, has also entered her acting career. Jason became a junior footballer, Eliot, and opened a small companyAnd my good friend Miggy, as usual, is a famous boy as usual. Oh, I forgot. Louis and I, we moved out of our rooms to my house. My parents adore Louis, especially my dad, usually in the evening before we go to bed, I see them both at the kitchen bar talking and laughing. Ever since I met him, my life has been getting better and better.

Santa María llévame y llévame al cielo, como he terminado después de un libro de una década. Thank you so muchhhhh for reading my book.

From Enemies In Lovers  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang