Chapter 1

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Outfit 4 the day

Hayley's POV

Today we are going back to school. I can't wait for our games. I a Gryffindor seeker since my first year. My brother Jackson he's a Hufflepuff and his best friend Cedric is like another brother to me. "Hayley hurry up and let's go. Said Jackson" "coming" I grabbed my things and ran downstairs and saw my mom and brother waiting already. "Let's go." We all left for the train station. "Bye, mom I'll see you at break imma going to find Cedric. Said Jackson" "tell him I said hi. Said Mom" Jackson nodded and left. "Ok listen to your brother Hayley I don't want another letter ok. Said Mom" "fine I'll try and stay out of it. I hope I get quidditch captain I heard they are picking another one since woods left. Angelina said I'll be a great captain." "Let me know ok. Said Mom" "bye mom love you." "Bye, my love. Said Mom" I walked and bumped into someone. "Sorry." I walked off then I got stopped. "Excuse me you dropped this. Said ??" "Oh thank you" "you play. Said James" "yeah " "what position. Said James" "seeker for Gryffindor." "Hayley what's going on. Said Mom" " I dropped my book and he picked it up for me." "This your daughter Mary. Said James" "yeah can't you tell the resemblance. Said Mom" I was trying to figure out how she knew him. Then some people came over. "Mary how you been. Said Sirius" "I'm good. Said Mom" "You have a daughter Mary. Said Sirius" "yes I do. Said Mom" "yknow me and your mom worked together for a class project what was it. Said Sirius" "it was astronomy. Said Mom" Mom and the other people went into a conversation. "So Hayley my son Harry plays you know him. Said James" "yeah he's alright." "What do you mean. Sais James" " Well that's not what I mean he's good." "No, tell me I want to know. Said James" "Well for someone that is a keeper he doesn't know how to keep his broom steady and is slow." "Well thank you." I heard the train call for the last call. "Mom imma go see you later." "Alright, Luv see you on break ok. Said Mom" "bye" I waved to my mom and walked to find an empty compartment. I found an empty one and sat down. I pulled out a SketchBook and started to sketch. It was about to leave when someone knocked on the door. "Hello, can we sit here? Said Remus" "yeah go ahead professor." I continue to draw there were 5 professors in my compartment. Pretend there is room for that many. "What are you drawing. Said Lily" "nothing I just draw whatever comes to my mind." Then Jackson came in. "There you are Hayley I was looking for you. Said Jackson" "I been in here the entire time. What did you need" "well Angelina was looking for you? Said Jackson" "ok I'll go right now you can go back to Cedric." Jackson walked off. "I'll be right back" I walked off to Angelina.

James POV

Hayley walked off so Sirius grabbed her sketchbook and looked at it. "Sirius put it back. Said Lily" "what did she draw." We looked at it and saw a werewolf. "That was unexpected. Said Sirius" "What is it. Said Remus" "it's a werewolf." We all looked at it then put it back.

Hayley's POV

I and Angelina finished our conversation and I walked back to my compartment. I was mad that there was no quidditch this year. I went back into my compartment and grabbed my sketchbook. "Are you ok? Said Marlene" "yeah" "what's wrong. Said James" "they canceled quidditch this year" "why. Said James" "I don't know your a professor you should know." They all looked shocked at me. "Sorry" Then Cedric and Jackson walked in. "Hey, Hayley. Said Cedric" "You both knew." "Yeah, we did. Said Jackson" "I'm going to get out both back watch it your backs." "Mom said you have to listen to me. Said Jackson" "what mom doesn't know won't kill her." "No. Said Jackson" "so what did you draw this time. Said Cedric" "this" I showed them it. "Wow, you are getting better each time. Said Cedric" "You coming over on break Cedric" "yes I am. Said Cedric" "alright we are going to put compartment. Said Jackson" "ok just be careful." "O-ok. Said Jackson." They left the compartment and I went back to drawing as nothing happened. "Was that your brother. Said James" "yeah he's a 7th year that was his best friend Cedric they've been best friends since 1st year he always comes over for breaks." "Oh. Said James" It's been a couple of hours then we finally arrived. I got up and left to the great hall. They did the sorting then Dumbledore had an announcement. "Thank you all for coming. Said Dumble" "not like we had a choice."  I guess I said it loud enough for people to hear and they laughed. "Thank you for that Ms.Kenner. As I was saying we are proud to present that we will be holding the Triwizard Tournament Beauxbant and Durstrongs Intuition will be joining us. They will be with us the entire year. Said Dumble" The girls came in first then the boys came in. One of them winked at me eww it was disgusting Jackson and Cedric saw my reaction and laughed. We finally finished and I went to my dorm and went to sleep.

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