the beginning of a dump load of childhood trauma... how fun.

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(A/N IMPORTANT TO THE STORY: ok, so we've (I've read) all read variations of Leo's mother's death so, I'm instead going to write the reactions and continue from there. Anyway, love you all feel free to vote and comment and hope you have a wonderful day.)

the shocked silence was enough to make Leo begin to make panic, but he can't do that right now. He needs to breath.

five things; Piper's face in frozen disbelief, the light hitting the chains making them look like they glow, the red carpet, the speakers, the silent tears in Hazel's eyes.

Four things; the hum of electricity, the ringing in his ears, the others breathing, his heartbeat.

Three things; the chair, chains, and carpeting.

Two things; buttery popcorn, motor oil.

One thing; tooth paste.

Breathing seems to become easier, and he could focus again. He wishes he'd had that panic attack, because the others begin to come out of their shock, and since Hera made this about him... that's who they choose to stare at.

The fear creeps up his spine, like it's peering over his shoulder like, 'so this is the pitiful thing you call life?' Hazel's weak voice asks "Leo? Why didn't you tell us?" he just stares at her as though it's obvious, he killed his mother. People tend not to like that about someone.

Piper says carefully "Leo, you... you said she died when the building collapsed." he still doesn't respond. He can't, he can't run from this, he can't joke his way out. Once they realize that he's not going to talk they sit in silence until Annabeth asks Leo something neither of the other two girls thought to ask, "you know that wasn't your fault, you were young, scared and manipulated?"

he doesn't answer her, because she's wrong it was his fault. His mother warned him about the fire, that it was a tool, not a toy. Yet he didn't listen and it cost him his mom. Since they realize he isn't going to talk they all turn to the screen as the next video plays.

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