when you realize you can never truly know the horrors of ones past

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(PLEASE READ! ok, so i'm not so comfortable with writing rape or sexual assault so when it comes to that time I will just cut to something else or end the memory... SO on a less dark note, WHY?!?! you people are willing to read a botched five minutes of thought story but not a story I spent a year planning and writing!?!? wtf!?)

this time it's just flashes of different times of Leo being sent to homes, running away, stealing or braking into somewhere, then getting caught, and being sent to homes in a sick circle of fear abuse and starvation. until it slows to flashes of a woman running her hand down his chest, his face frozen in paralyzed panic.....

as the memory fades out to a black screen Piper bites her inner cheek to keep from crying, sobbing, she never even suspected that Leo was raped. not once had the thought crossed her mind. yet she just watched it.

looking over at him she sees he's curling into himself, making himself as small as possible. his breathing labored and threaded like he just ran three back-to-back marathons without water. out of the corner of her eye she sees Thalia's fists curl, like she's ready to attack the screen, mumbling colorful curses in a mix of languages.

Thalia's voice raising with every word, Jason, Annabeth, Nico and Rayna fallowing suit. but this doesn't help Leo as he begins mumbling for them to stop but they don't hear him, and Leo begins sobbing quietly. she realizes that he's having a flashback, Quickly she shouts "stop yelling!" lacing Charmspeak into her words. t

hey all stop and stare at her, she says calmly "your not helping him, it's already happened." nodding her head to Leo who at some point had begun struggling against the chains shouting the pleas that they'd just watched him shout in the memory "no, stop! help me! someone! please! I'm sorry, stop!!"

they begin trying to talk to him, tell him that he's safe, but he's not, he just watched his own memories he has been since before they were friends. he has been all alone for seven years, he's been dealing with all of this alone- for seven years.

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