becoming numb is easy, learning to feel again is harder.

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(A/N, sorry about the few days of not writing, the chore rotation changed so I've been busy. anyway as I've mentioned I'm studying for GED so if anyone has any tips or anything I'd love to know. and on with the book!)

'no, no, no!' he keeps mentally repeating this in his head as he rushes down a narrow alleyway, the sirens blaring right behind him as they chase him.

a look of pure panic etched into his elvish features, he begins saying "shit, fuck, shit fucking fuck.." as he stops running realizing he turned into a dead end.

turning to look at the police car the sun setting behind it the red and blue lights flashing over his pale skin. he lets out a defeated sigh, raising his arms in surrender.

they sit in a weighed silence, none of them wanted this or wish to see this, yet they don't have much of a choice. but Percy secretly is ok with this, not the invasive nature of watching Leo's memories but he wasn't close with Leo, yet Leo had sacrificed his life to save Percy's, Piper's, Annabeth's, and everyone's and never even expected a thank you, didn't tell anyone but Frank and Hazel.

Percy didn't get off on the right foot with him, but now? he wants to change that, they're in the same boat in some ways, Smelly Gabe was abusive and Leo knows more then a thing or two about that. this memory was rather short but this just means a longer one up ahead.

he sits in yet another hospital bed, with yet another CPS worker telling him another lie. he doesn't react, doesn't nod, speak, change expressions, just stares at the wall with dead eyes. after the case worker leaves he's left alone except for the guard placed outside his room so he doesn't try to run.

as he sit there in the bed he doesn't stop the tears that well up in his glassy eyes as they begin to trail down his hallow cheeks. soon it's like the night he was told that his mother died, except now, he's older but this seems to make it worse.

he's alone and has been for years, the people that were supposed to love and protect him instead used and abused him, he is abandoned and alone by a world that promised to protect him. the tears begin soaking his hospital gown, trailing down his neck and dripping off his chin.

but he doesn't sob, he doesn't blink, or react, just numbly stares at the wall with dull and dead eyes. he sits like this for hours, the nurse eventually coming in with food, stops short when she sees the dried tears on his face and the wet gown, but mostly the dead and unresponsive expression on the boys face.

quickly she sets down the tray of food and grabs the clip board, the sheet saying 'Name: Leonidas Valdez, Age: thirteen, Height: 5"5' looking back up at him she mutter "need to check mental health." before setting the clip board back down and leaving.

Nico couldn't stop glancing between the screen and Leo just to see the reaction, but both Leo's kept their expressions blank. but seeing this side of the current Leo is just down right weird, he's always hyper and happy.

but looking back on it, from what he saw, it was nothing but an act all of the joy and cheers were nothing but a defense mechanism to protect himself in unfamiliar territory. looking at Leo through the corner of his eye he sees him glancing at Nico as though seeing if he's still there.

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