The Blood of Rayt

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I turned and found a look of terror etched on Alex's face. His eyes were wide as he stared at me.

"I...I didn't...I mean..." I couldn't make any of the sentences in my head work their way out of my mouth.

"Don't worry now, my dear." A huge hand grabbed my arm and turned me around. "We'll take good care of you."

The man was huge. He was at least six-two. His long, black hair was pushed back with greese and his beer belly out from underneath his small t-shirt. His grin couldn't even be considered a grin. His teeth looked as though they were about to fall out and his eyes were colored black.

"Who are you?" I asked afraid to pull my arm out of his grasp.

"I'm the leader of The Lost Boys. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Levy." He almost bowed his head to me while saying his sentences with the elegance I didn't think he had.

"How do you know my name?" I stared at him with terror and suspension. I waited the answer, scared of what his answer was.

"I know a lot about you. More than you think I do. Come inside and I'll explain everything."

I looked back at Alex and saw him staring at the ground as though it was the most interesting thing in the room. When his eyes finally rose up from the ground and met mid, I saw fear in them. He wasn't scared for me, he was scared of me.

"Alex, please excuse yourself," the boss wave his hand at Alex, shooing him away from us.

"Yes, sir," Alex said before exiting the room without a single glance back at me.

My eyes followed him until I could no longer see him. I couldn't understand how he could be so scared of me. I was a bigger person, not someone built to fight. I wasn't fast or strong, in fact, I was able to little round, harmless marshmallow.

"Come along, we've got quite a bit of talking to do. I must explain everything, and in a very short time. That's going to be difficult but I'll make it work." The boss grabbed my arm and dragged me into his office. He took the door behind him and spun around facing my direction.

His office was nice with black leather everywhere. I watched him walk over to the large, thrown like chair. He ever so slightly motioned his hand to the chair in front of his enormous desk.

"Sit down, get comfortable. We won't be able to talk for long so I'll try to make it this short and brief."

"I'm confused. Why do I have to be here?"

"You're here because you're like me," he smiled at me innocently as though he hadn't implied something that was ridiculous. I had never met this man before, I could have assured him that I was nothing like him.

"What do you mean I'm like you? What are you? Aren't you human, because if so yes in that way? Are you not human?" I couldn't explain why my mind had going straight to the fact that he might not have been human, but there was a feeling that he wasn't. There was something in the room, the air around us, that made it feel as though my question was completely reasonable.

He chuckled and said in response to my questions," Don't worry yourself too much dear. We technically are still human, yes. It's just that our kind is extremely rare."

"Why did you say our kind? Is there something I don't know about the human race? As far as I can tell sir we're far from rare."

"Your innocence amuses me," he said while chuckling. "No, I am not talking about the human race. While we technically are humans, we're different subspecies of humans."

"You're crazy."

"Yes I am. Thank you for noticing. Now my dear, can you tell me about your dear old parents."

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