The Kidnapping

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"Get away from me, you monster," I screamed, pushing myself away from him.

Reached for my now free hands slowly. I gained away falling onto the ground and into the empty corner. Lee stepped forward, pulling Jared away from me and toward the half opened door.

"It's okay, Levy," Lee said putting his hands up, slowly, trying to show me that he meant me no harm. "I'm not going to hurt you. Everything's okay. We just had to activate you."

"Act... activate me? What does that even mean?" Anger post through me along with other mixed emotions.

"You're so much more powerful than you think you are. We had to unlock that potential for you."

He reached out his hand expecting me to willingly take it, but instead I backed up further into the corner of the room. He put his hands by his side and got into a squatting position right in front of me.

"Jared, please leave the room," he said, harshly.

I hadn't even realized Jared was still in the room, he had been quietly watching our interactions, not saying a word.

"But sir..." His argument was interrupted with one look from Lee. Slowly he said, "Yes sir."

"Good. Hurry up, we need to speak alone, Levy and I. Leave quickly."

Jared gave me a kind look before shutting the door quietly behind him. Lee turned his attention back to me, his eyes not venturing away from my face a single time.

"Here's what's going to happen. Listen carefully, because I don't say things twice. Do you understand that Levy?" His eyes burned through my soul as I slowly nodded yes. "You're going to get out of the corner, stand up, and follow me to your new bedroom. You will stay here and train enjoy say that you're ready to go out into the field. I won't tolerate anything from you so take this as your warning. You will work for me whether you want to or not."

I stared at him with wide eyes as I let his words soak in. He was threatening me, it was clear but I didn't know why. Where did the Lee I met a few hours ago go?

The fact that so much had happened and it had only been a few hours hit me hard. I had never thought so much could happen in such little time. Now Lee was mean and demanding as well, everything was too much. My brain could barely comprehend what was going on, or why.

I wasn't paying attention to the world around me or Lee, who had risen from his squatting position moving steadily to the door. It was until his hand was around my arm that I noticed how mad he truly was, and how violent he truly could be.

"Get up now," he screamed at me ripping me away from my safe haven in the corner of the room. "Let's go. I don't have all day to deal with you stupidity."

I winced as I was pulled out of the interrogation room and into an empty, white hallway that was the exact twin of every hallway in this awful place. I didn't make a single noise as Lee pulled me roughly down the never-ending hallway into the unknown. Everything about this place screamed hospital and I, for some reason, couldn't place why.

Maybe it was the white that made every room look the same or the technology that crowded every corner. Maybe it was the way that they had coats and masks hung up all around each room. There was something here that made it feel like a hospital but it didn't feel safe.

Lee's arm stayed wrapped around my shoulder painfully. His mouth stayed twisted into a sour smile but seems painted on his face, and people parted ways for us to get through as we walked down the hallways. It was clear everyone here was afraid of him and now I knew why. He quickly pulled me down another and almost empty hallway then he came to an effortless halt.

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