A Family

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The air hit me head on, chilling my bones and not allowing my scream of terror to be released from my body. Closer and closer to me as I fell further and further.

The ground was white with fresh snow covering it. With a cold air no longer affecting me as much, I let out a terrifying scream. I looked up and saw two figures falling with me, both falling without any fear.

Slowly they open their arms revealing cloth in between them. Of course they weren't scared, they had parachutes to protect them. I looked back down at the ground hurtling toward me and held my arms over my face trying to somehow keep the fall from killing me.

Lots of arms grabbed onto my shoulders just seconds before my organs were going to be spread through the endless snow. I looked up at my kidnappers and screamed, trying to scare them making me fall to the ground and have time to escape. As I got a better look at the parachutes I realized they weren't made out of cloth or homemade; between each of their arms was a skin like material that was attached to them.

"You...you have wings," they couldn't hear my words over the air blowing around us.

I looked down at the ground once more, debating over whether or not to fight my captors. Since we were so high from the ground my answer was pretty clear, there was no way I could fight them without me dying from the fall. I had to let them take me then escape from wherever they were going.

Are flying seem to come to an end when a group of people were spotted on the ground, all nestled together in a bunch. The flying people threw me on the ground in front of a young woman who looked as though she was in her thirties. The woman looked at me for a few seconds then looked away.

"Good work girls. Get some rest, we will portal home at dawn tomorrow," the girls stood in attention until the woman shoot them away, then they were gone. The woman shifted her eyes to me, running them slowly up and down my body. "Someone get me handcuffs. We don't know all of what she can do yet," she walked over to me and grabbed my face gently with her hand. "Welcome to our clan of misfits."

As she let go of my face, a huge guy grabbed my arm gently. "This may hurt a little," he pinched the cuffs on my hands in a small blind came out of my mouth. "I'm sorry. I don't want to but I have to."

Look up at him and saw that he was on the verge of tears spilling out so I quickly said, "It'd okay. Don't cry."

"Oh...okay," he smiled wiping his tears away as he ran off half skipping, half running.

I giggled a little at the sight of his sudden happiness. I looked around the seemingly endless camp and saw ton of kids, teens, and even some older adults. They were all chatting and messing with another.

"We're like a huge family here. Everyone is equal. Everyone cares about everyone else. It's how we live." A voice in the corner tells me. I look up and see a teen girl wearing all black. Her hair was dyed a dark red color and her makeup was a mix of different black and reds. Her grey eyes stood out in her mass of dark hair and endless black liner. "You must be Levy." I shook my head in response to her. "I'm Diamond. Let's get you inside before you freeze."

She pulled me to my feet with my arms still around my back in handcuffs. We walked slowly towards a huge tent in utter silence. The tent, on the other hand, was exactly the opposite. Little children ran around in circles trying to catch each other, adults and teens talk and laugh mixing their voices in with the children.

"This is where the magic happens." I looked at her questioningly. She saw my expression and started explaining herself, "Every person here is like you."

"We're all the heirs of Rayt?"

She looked absolutely disgusted with my words. "Absolutely not. Rayt will never have an heir. He was a dictator who believed anyone less than him should be dead. He murdered thousands using others emotions to control them as he pleased ."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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