Serum Maddness

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The pain disappeared after about 3 hours. My body had to become numb through the process. All I could feel was A tingle feeling that happened every so often, when another shot of pain went through my body.

Alex held me in his lap the entire time, not even letting go to eat which I practically begged him to do. He refused to leave my side, even after the pain had stopped.

The numb, empty feeling slowly were off. Finally after hours of torture, I could move my body again without extreme pain flowing through it. Alex slowly and gently helped me stand up. I used his body to keep me balanced as I moved steadily down the endless hallway that I had used to run from Lee.

"Take it slow, okay. We don't want you to rush your healing process," Alex said in a caring voice when I tried to walk faster then I should have.

He took my waist in his hand, pulling me closer to him. He slowly guided me down another hallway that was unfamiliar to me. It wasn't like the other hallways in this maze of a place. The walls got farther away from each other as we continue down the empty, lifeless Hall. A set of double doors were at the end of the hallway.

The smell of burgers hit me and hunger tore open my stomach. I licked my lips slightly as I looked out at the people sitting in chairs all around the huge room.

As we walked in All eyes looked up and all conversations ended abruptly. I looked at alex, questioning his decision of bringing me here.

"They just aren't used to a girl being here. Give them some time to adjust to you. It'll be fine." He squeezed my waist and gave me an encouraging smile.

"Woah, look at alex. When did you get yourself a girlfriend?" A random guy screamed as his whole table bursted into laughter.

Alex let go with me, for split second, and grabbed an empty can off the table beside us. Before I could even tell her what he was doing he threw it as hard as he could. It hit the guy who had screamed at us square in the nose. The whole cafeteria bursted into laughter and screams of how great Alex's arm was. I nervously laughed, not sure what was actually going on.

"Come on, Levy. Let's get you some food. They're setting up a room for you. It'll take a while, because I want you to be comfortable so-"

"Oh, I can just stay with the girls. I'll be fine and much more comfortable there." I smiled up at him and nervously laughed again. His face suddenly became confused.

"There aren't any other girls here."

"What?" I squeaked, as I looked around for any other female in the room.

"You're the only girl here, why do you think we're called The Lost Boys? Boys is in the name." Alex looked at me, a little concerned about my lack of common sense.

"So," I said. "you only take in boys?" He noted his head yes and wrapped his arm back around my waist, pulling me towards the line to get food. "Then why did you bring me here? I mean if you only take boys here, then why me? I'm a girl. It makes no sense."

"Well you see," he began. "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to meet such a beautiful, young woman. It would have been stupid of me to."

My cheeks grew up pretty shade of pink cuz I got the tray. I struggled to get my legs to work, causing me to almost drop it three times before Alex wrapped his arm back around me and grabbed my tray out of my hand.

"Let's go, beautiful." He winked at me and the crowd around us went wild. I turned sherry, tomato red. Trying to have my face, I looked down at the ground as if it were interesting.

"Where are we going?"

"To your new room, of course. It's on the other side of the building so we better hurry. Boss wants to talk to you again, so we got to get you there quickly."

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