The Interrogation

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Within minutes of the shocking news, I was rushed into a dark room. Boy sat in front of me, eager to start whatever was about to happen.

"Name," he asked as he swiped his auburn hair out of his eyes. He looked up at me when I didn't answer his question within a few seconds.

"Oh, uh me?" I asked while pointing at myself absently.

"Who else would I be talking to?" His voice was monitoring as he asked the question and looked at me like I was an idiot.


"Last name?"

"Scaldon. Levy Scaldon."

"Okay Miss. Scaldon, I'm going to ask you a few questions and I need you to answer them honestly. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes,"I shrunk into my chair, scared of what questions he needed to ask me and what would come afterwards.

He nodded his head and pointed towards the mirror. I slowly put the pieces together and found that I was being interrogated by this little boy in front of me who couldn't be any older than I was.

"What's happening?" I asked trying to muster some kind of confidence inside of me.

"I already explained that I'm going to ask you a few questions." His monotone voice suddenly turned to an aggravated one as he looked at me once again like I was an idiot. "Do you understand what I'm saying now?"

I'm not in my head, unable to speak from complete embarrassment. He wants to get nodded to the mirror where I assumed there was another person listening in on our conversation.

"Where do you live?" He asked starting the questioning without a warning.

"1711 2nd Street." I answered monotone, trying to hide my fear for the next questions.

"When did your mother pass?" He said the question was no hesitation, unaware of what was going on in my brain when he asked it.


"Please answer the question with the entire truth."

"She...she died...she died on the sixth of...of May." Out of my mouth with tears on the brink of explosion.

"Next. What is the name of your stepmother?"

"Misty Pierce. Soon to be Misty Scaldon." I choked back the new soon to be named with anger, once she married my father it would be hers too.

"Why did you run away?"

"I'm done." I blurted out to the entire room. "This is so stupid. I'm done answering your stupid questions. Where's Lee? Tell him--"

"Miss. Scaldon, please calm down. We need to finish our questioning before we can continue with your training. Please be seated, we don't want to have to restrain you." He's still up quickly but not rushed. He made his every movement seem gentle and kind as to calm me.

"Don't you dare tell me to calm down! Here you are asking me questions about personal things. It's none of your business!" I screamed and pushed things over. My arms were unable to be controlled. And immediate pain hit my leg and I fell to my knees, my body began to shake and I was unable to speak.

"Maybe it was too strong? She's spazzing." The boy who'd been there the whole time said.

"That's none of your concern," another familiar voice echoed through the room. "Now get out of here. You're being replaced."

"Find Jared. I'm leaving, but you get to clean up this."the door opened in slam shut as a pair of shoes walked over to me, clicking on the floor as they made their way.

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