The Last Fly

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"I'm sorry but I think that's not possible. We can't bury a traitor's body inside our palace."

"Who am I?"

"You're Enya Celeste."

"And I am your what?

"My Queen."  

"So, what should you do if your Queen is commanding you to do something?"

"Follow it.."

"So what are you waiting for? Go and do what I told you to do."

"You should just go and do what she said." Sir Arnold butt in. He's advice is what matter the most for me. He's my parents most trusted friend after all.

He bowed and left my sight immediately. I sighed, feeling so exhausted again. He's just one of my few advisers I have as the new Queen.

"And one more thing," my another adviser said. "We can't find Lavander's body."

What he said made me divert my whole attention to him. What?

"What do you mean?"

"Her body is nowhere to be found."

Kumunot ang buong mukha ko at inaamin kong kinabahan ako bigla dahil sa sinabi niyang iyon.

"But I saw how Joaquin killed her. Are you saying that she might be alive?"

"There's a big tendency that she is.."

What the hell.

"She can't be! She's dead I saw how she died."

I'm certain about what I see, she can't escape with that condition.

"Enough of this talk, Enya needs to rest." Sir Arnold said.

"I don't think I can do that after what I heard."

"Try your best, alright? Eat your dinner before resting. Don't worry too much, we'll talk about this next time after you rest. I'll go ahead."

He said at umalis na nga. I smiled, I can see Joaquin and Cole to him, he is their father and I can't still believe it.

I want my cousin's body buried inside this palace and they don't agree with it. But I want it so they can't to anything about it.

I want a mausoleum made for his body. This is where he truly belongs, in where Veronica is. In where the people who truly loved him are.

I spaced out again I always the feel pain and ache inside my heart. They did Ryler so wrong. That guy is too precious to live a life like that.

I stood up. I'm just wearing my black longsleeves turtle neck and a slacks with my black stilettos. I tied my hair in half with a red lipstick on.

I need to look extra formal that my usual looks before. I'm the ruler now, not just the reckless Enya before.

Roaming around the palace became an usual thing I'm doing after that day happened. It helps me clear what's inside my heead.

No one dare to go near me the day after that. I woke up immediately after I passed out. I wasn't able to talk and utter even a single word.

But Jaquin never dare to leave my side. Even if I can't even talk back to him, he didn't leave me alone. And also, I never saw Veronica after that day.

I asked Joaquin but he keeps on avoiding answering it. So I just conluded that maybe she is angry at me after what I did, I deserved it after all.

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