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Hi everyone! I wrote a scene that I'm really proud of. It has nothing to do with Helena, but I still wanted to share it will you all. I hope you like it.

It's really long, over 4000 words. So if you don't want to read it, that's totally fine :)

*TW it implies self-harming at the very end*

Adira POV

I stood in my bedroom wearing a long royal blue, satin ball gown, watching my reflection stare back at me. I noticed the lines and texture of my bodice, adoring the fine lace and jewel pattern lining the fabric around my chest. I looked down at my blue lace sleeves and pulled them down, so they covered my wrists and forearms. The dress was low cut, but still acceptable for someone of my status. I then looked at the tiara sitting atop my head. I admired the pattern of different diamonds, all blue, matching my dress and eyes. I adjusted my thick, long, black, curly hair so that a little hair was in front of my shoulders, but most of it was behind. I always liked how my blue, grey eyes were such a contrast to my dark hair.

The bottom hemline brushed the floor as I walked to exit my bedroom. As I exited the door in my formal wear, I watched a new maid walk past me. I stopped and Eva stopped and looked back at me.

"Eva," I barked, "you shall not walk in front of me! I'm a royal, I shall always be first in line." I stared into her dark brown eyes, my evil resting face intimidating her and flustering her.

"I- I'm sorry your majesty." She said as she looked down and curtsied. She then stepped to the side, allowing me to walk past her.

"This better not happen again." I firmly stated as I walked past her.

"You know," she started. I started to get very annoyed. I had a party to attend.

"What is it now?" I slowly turned around, facing the maid who was blushing from embarrassment.

"You're the only person who calls me Eva. Everyone else calls me Evanora or just Nora." She said as she sort of relaxed in her standing position.

"Alright, and?" I asked, confused.

"I just wanted you to know." She softly stated back.

'Alright." I rolled my eyes, turned around, and kept walking, not really understanding why she told me that.

I continued walking down the long hallway until I reached the grand French doors that lead to the great hall.

Beyond the doors, I heard a man shout, "Her Majesty, Queen Adira of Cassendroy". The crowd fell silent, as all music faded out and the grand doors opened so that I could enter the room. About a hundred people bowed their head or curtsied as I sauntered in.

Camille POV

I have heard mixed things about the Queen. I knew that if she liked you, she would do anything to protect you, but if she didn't, she wouldn't care about your existence. I knew she was big on respect, if we have mutual respect, then things shall be okay.

I was briefed on what the Queen would be like before I entered the great hall. Me and another man, the one who was briefing me, quickly walked down the visitors' hallway to the ballroom.

"As you know, the Queen can be very cold to people she doesn't like, but very warm to people she does like." The man was starting to get out of breath from the quick pace we were walking in. He continued, "when you are first introduced to the Queen, she will look you up and down. You will know within the first ten seconds of meeting her, whether she likes you or not."

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