lately i can't find a beat

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"oh they're choosing" you say trying to make conversation. the call has got awkward from all the silence.
"ok i think emma is gonna win she's more of their type"
"i have to go with niki" you stick up for niki.
"istg austin takes forever to announce it"
"and the winner is" dream imitates him.
"mhm" you tease him. 
"the winner is..." austin says
"i swear he better say it this time" you say sarcastically.
"I GOT IT RIGHT. i told you"
"fuck you" you stop screen sharing after getting the announcement of the winner.
"its ok that you lost"
"ok well what now"
"do you still wanna vc" 
you wonder if dream still wants to talk to you or is annoyed of you and wants to get off. 
"sure only if you want to"
"lets play some mc?"
"like what? bedwars?"
"i mean im pretty decent but not the best so your gonna have to carry me"
"ill carry us" 
you blush, i know he didn't mean it like that but it felt so much more than that. you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach and you can't help it. this feeling eats you up begging for more. 
"y/n? y/n" dream brings you back into reality.
"huh? yeah- what?" you try to focus again.
"your user? ill friend you"
"oh it's y/mc/u" 
"lets make a bet" dream says
"what kind of bet?"
"if we win..."
"yeahh" you follow along the idea.
"theres no way"
"we could hang out"
"dream are you drunk? let me remind you we just met like 4 hrs ago and you don't show your face?" 
"i could get to know you better"
"you know what fine, ill just make us loose. and if we do win then your buying my tickets." you smile.
"you know what? fine" he says laughing.
you guys start playing and he sweats. you say you would defend that way you could do a horrible defense. you stand in the generator acting like your gonna get a bunch of blocks. 
"your already rushing? you wanna meet me don't you?"
"no i just wanna prove i'll win the bet"
"mhm sure" you place down 8 pieces of wool covering the bed, doing the classic defense.
"your adding to that right?" dream says looking over.
"mhm keep rushing" you spam click a bunch of fire balls until your out of iron. you follow dream and keep fire balling him on bridges so he falls into the void. it works the first few times, but after picking up that it was you, he clutches. its now down to you, dream and aqua, aqua's bed gone. one of the members get your bed and you stand there waiting for them to kill you. they kill you and walk back to their base only for them to fall off into the void. its only one aqua member and dream left. they battle and...

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