till i find another way

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"Y/N" dream yells.
you start to open your eyes and get up. you realize you fell asleep while unpacking.
"YEAH? ONE MINUTE" you get up and put your pairs of pants away and get out of your room.
"what?" you go down the stairs.
"lunch" dream says washing the dishes.
"why did it take you so long to get down here"
"i was sleeping"
"where's sapnap"
"he ate"
"he ate?"
"yes, you took forever and we didn't want to go upstairs so we just ate without you"
"woww you guys are lazy" you take bites in between each sentence you say.
"aren't we going to the water park" you change the subject.
"tomorrow the sun is going down already"
"let's go shopping today then"
"i need a bathing suit didn't i tell you that?"
"oh i forgot"
"ok yeah sure do you want to bring sapnap"
"if he wants to come he can"
"SAPNAP" dream calls out his name.
"WHAT?" sapnap yells down.
"NO NOT REALLY" sapnap answers.
"ok well" you say walking over to the sink to wash the dishes, you have finished your lunch.
"ok i'll get ready meet me in the car"
"ok i will" you wash the dishes and try to find where they go. someone grabs your hands and moves it over to a cabinet, they put your hand on the handle and you open it.
"there" dream says walking away.
you smile and put the dishes in the cabinet, you close the cabinet door and go up to your room and change. you bring your phone and head downstairs again. you go to garage and go into the car. you open the door and there dream is sitting listening to the radio. you slam the door shut and he starts backing out of the garage.

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