else that gets me through the day

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"where am i staying" you say closing the car door.
"i'll show you, nick can you put y/n's stuff in the house" dream also closes the car door.
"ok" sapnap goes to the trunk to get your stuff.
dream goes into the house and you follow him assuming he's showing your room. you look around and you guys go up the stairs.
"ok we are here" dream opens the door
"oh wow, it's pretty big" you go in.
you walk around and sit on the bed and see that there's a pc.
"a pc?!"
"i mean you stream so i was assuming you wanted a pc in here just incase"
"you didn't buy this just for me right?"
"i'm kidding i didn't i just have an extra pc just incase"
"i forgot your a millionaire sometimes"
"ok well do you wanna see my room?"
you follow dream on the way out, still shocked on how big your room is.
"WHAT why is your room smaller than mine"
"it's not that much smaller just a bit"
"still smaller, why?"
"i don't need a lot of space plus this one is downstairs so i don't have to climb up the stairs to get to my room"
"you make it sound so horrible"
"it is"
"wow dreams set up shocking"
dream laughs
"i could take a picture of that and sell it for a good amount of money and people would buy it"
"haha very funny"
"does any part of your set up glow"
"yeah just turn it on"
"CLAYY" sapnap yells for dream.
"i'll be back"
you get bored and decide to sit on the chair, you don't sit properly on it and just sit however feels comfortable. you turn on his pc and wait to see if his setup changes. his keyboard starts to glow and you try typing with it to hear the clicks. you open google and see a bunch of bookmarks and click on the search bar. you start typing random sentences to hear the keyboard.
all of a sudden you feel warms hands grab you from the waist. it feels like someone's towering over you behind you. the warm hands pull you to the back of the chair.
"at least sit on the chair properly"
you remained unfocused still thinking about what just happened.
"Y/N" dream finally gets your attention.
"sorry uh anyways the keyboard sounds good"
"the keyboard?"
"yes the keyboard"
"hmm okay"
he sounds confused. what did he want me to say? was he playing around and wanted to see my reaction?
you spin the chair around that way it would be facing the door and get up.
"ok i'm gonna go to my room now and start unpacking"
you close the door and see your stuff infront of the stairs leading up.
"really sap- nick?"
"wait can i call you nick i don't"
"yeah call me nick"
"oh ok... but seriously you couldn't have put it in my room?"
"i don't wanna carry it all the way up the stairs plus dream said to just put it in the house, he didn't say where"
"wowww okay"
you grab your stuff and start bringing it up one by one.
"that wasn't so bad" you yell at sapnap from the top of the stairs.
you go back in your room and start unpacking. you are almost done just 2 more pairs of pants but you start feeling a little tired from all this work and start to yawn. before you know it you're asleep.

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