told me not to try

43 3 0

you jump around in the lobby waiting for them to accept.
they all in order start to accept and you click 4's.
"im not doing the bed to clarify"
"im not doing it either" george and dream say in sync.
"fine ill do it"
"actually maybe i should do it for the sake of our bed"
"HAAAA" karl laughs
"do you want to do the bed?"
"woahhh y/n keep that in the dms"
"WHAT- i can't with you guys" you argue back
"ill do it" george says
"thank you george"
you speed bridge to mid to get some emeralds in the time everyone is trying to get to mid. dream comes up behind you, scaring you.
"you scared me"
"get used to it"
"im gonna kill you"
"i'd like to see you try"
"yo can you like stop flirting me and george and here and like dnf???" karl says
"WHAT" you and dream both yell
you totally forgot you were streaming and look back at chat
you deafen and check up on chat
"thank you for the 10 gifted!" you smile
you undeafen to go back to the game. out of no where karl starts moaning.
'KarlJacobs has fell into the void.'
"yeah" george laughs
"y/n go back to the base your lucky i was here protecting everyone while you we're afk"
"oh thanks"
you guys finish up the game and end up winning. the second game was a bunch of dnf comments. the third game everyone has died down and the forth game...
"im probably gonna get off" karl says
"yea same" george says
"okk byee"
"BYEEE" they both yell leaving the call.
"ok then im just gonna end my stream and leave too"
"you dont wanna spend time with me?"
"oh trust me we're gonna be spending a lot of time together soon"
you can hear his little smirk through the mic. you smile and end the stream.
"ok bye dreammm"
"bye y/n"
it's been a long day, but one day closer to the loh. you smile and go to bed. as the week has gone on you and dream have gotten closer. the love or host has also came sooner. just one more day.

void // dreamNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ