#5:Tauriel and Legolas going to Dale

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Albany nodded.

"Yeah"Albany said.Albany then explained how she left Rivendell because of what her father had done.

"...So I chose to help them and help them on their journey"Albany finished."Wow.What a brave little girl"Bard said,smiling at Albany.

Albany giggled and blushed a little."Thank you sir"Albany said.

Bard nodded and then ruffled with her hair.Bard then looked up;They were close to Dale,and Bard was sure that the people of Dale didn't want Dwarves there.

Bard quickly hid the Dwarves into the fish barrels.Albany stuck out her tongue in disgust as she hid in the barrel of fish.

"Sorry"Bard apologized as he pushed Albany's head into the fish,were she almost vomited.It was super tight in the barrel.Albany shuffled around,trying to get comfortable.

It smelled disgusting in there.She was used to always being so clean and neat,and now she was stuck in a barrel full of fish for who knows how long!

Albany then felt Bard's boat stop.He began to have an argument with a man named Alfred."Dump the barrels"Alfred then ordered,which made Albany raise an eyebrow.

Suddenly she felt her barrel tilt to the side.She gave a small yelp as her eyes widened.She scooted as back as possible from the edge of the barrel.

She heard fish plopping into the water.Albany's hear began to race.What if they found out that dwarves,a Hobbit,and an Elf were hiding to get to Dale?

Would they get killed?This only made Albany more nervous than she already was.She tried to stop breathing so rapidly.

'It's gonna be fine Albany.Your gonna be fine' Albany told herself,but she began to sweat even though it was cold over there at Dale.

"If the people at Dale starve there will be no one to blame but you Alfred"Bard suddenly said.Alfred looked at Bard angrily but in a fearsome way.

"Stop"He then ordered.The men stopped dumping the fish into the water.They then pulled the barrels back up.Albany caught her breath and her heart rate stop beating so fast.

She couldn't feel more relieved.She took a deep breath and then settled down.The boat began to move again.


Thranduil sat on his throne quietly,pressing two fingers against his lips,thinking deeply.He leaned his elbow against the arm of his throne.

His eyes were filled with tears,and he felt terrible.His stomach felt sick.He felt sick.He was waiting for the arrival of his son,Legolas...

He had sent him to go and find out were Albany was at.Legolas knew that if he had not returned with any news of Albany,his father would grow even angrier at him.

Meanwhile,Legolas and Tauriel quietly walked down the path of the rocks.They both then stopped at the edge of the rocks,looking down at the river.

Tauriel looked around quietly."Where do you think she would be?"She asked softly.Tauriel was really close to Albany.She loved Albany more than Legolas did.

They always got along so well.Albany was like a little step sister to Tauriel.Tauriel had grown worried of Albany.'Not as much as Thranduil' Tauriel thought to herself.

She honestly felt bad for Thranduil,even after he had lectured Tauriel about how Legolas had feelings for her and how he would hate for Tauriel to be with Legolas.

"Not dead,I hope"Legolas said,in a sort of careless tone.Its not that he had cared for Albany,for he knew things that only him and his father had known about Albany,also aside from Gandalf and Elrond.

An unexpected friend(Desolation of Smaug/Battle of the five armies)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora