nobody but me could've made you this beautiful

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i'll weave you a crown with my veins
just to be able to delight myself
watching my own blood slide down
your porcelain cheeks,
i'll dye your face with a red
that will burn your skin like hell

i can destroy you in such poetic ways
that if i did, you would beg me to repeat;
i'd turn you into a wasted masterpiece,
a wonderful mess, a chaotic miracle

i would do anything
to transform you into my art,
the one
that no one can understand

i'm going to cut the stars from your back
and wear your constellations around my neck
so everybody knows i own your shine,
i'll melt the metal of your bones,
set fire to the forests you hide behind your eyes,
drink all the red from your pretty pink face
and make you lick the venom from my lips

and i'll do it with such poeticism
and miserable beauty
that after shattering every single piece
of your being
you will thank me
for making you this beautiful

the beautiful side of misery  ¦  pinkWhere stories live. Discover now