i'm bleeding in water colors above the gloom of my existence

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i keep falling all the time
without finding a bottom to hit,
sempiternal, as the incessant search
of something to definitely break me

does the difference between
being a bad person
and making a lot of mistakes matter
if the pain you induce is the same?
now i'm begging for love from the people  i hurt

sometimes the moon gets a tired blue
and cries in gray,
surrounded by burnt-out stars
in what's supposed to be a night
to swim in light

i've contemplated this hell so many times
from so many perspectives
that suffering turned into hurting tedium
and these embers no longer have
a centimeter of my skin to melt;
i became the queen of this place before even knowing where the fuck i was

someone please tear my chest apart
so i can plant flowers in my ribcage
and replace the hole in my heart
with a bunch of empty beauty

i don't know if i'm a sadist poet
or just a drama queen
writing down lines of blood on my skin;
have you ever felt delighted watching how wine stains snow?

a mirror can no longer be broken
if it's no more than thousands pieces of glass,
there's no beauty left to snatch
in a flower without petals
and there's no shine to extinguish
in a dead star;
self-destruction is just the most poetic thing

any god would hate me for ignoring
the poeticism in life,
every artist would adore me for gloating
over the beauty of death,
but it was like covering my wounds with dirty bandages
and now i'm bleeding in water colors above the gloom of my existence

the beautiful side of misery  ¦  pinkWhere stories live. Discover now