the hero & the star

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there's one million promises
being broken on a sky under the sea,
stars of neon raining above our lips
trying to spell another promise;
how are you gonna save me
if you can't even save yourself?

how could you do that?
how could you take my heart and throw it away with my dress?
how could you broke me with all the promises told in that night?

you said you will never leave me
but here i am, waiting for you
even knowing you will never come back

he talks about me
as if i was who puts the stars on the sky
but they fall all around me;
the dark can be deadly

i hope you like the bones i broke for you,
one hundred souls screaming though the sound

i'll be stronger without you
i'll be wildest without you
i'll be brighter without you!

but i have to protect you
from the things i've seen
even if they're gonna break me again,
because without you, there's no me,
without you, i can be the real me

what an addictive drug was happiness in your life
but where's my part?, i cried without my smile

what a perfect pale skin,
you said while kissed my scars
but we're still bleeding hope
and stealing gasoline for our car

take my hand while you drive
through this city of broken mirrors,
i'm tired of cutting my both hands
picking up pieces of glass
because you don't wanna help me now;
i just wanna fix our lives

you taught me how to fight
while you were pulling me to the edge,
you said you will take me to our stage
but now you're killing my night

love, don't forget to bleed so slowly,
don't worry
it's just to know if i'm still alive,
i'll be waiting for you in this coffin
lying on a carpet of stolen roses

take with you my pure white soul,
now looks black after your touch

your words are sharper than all the knives
that you have nailed in my back,
i'm scared of your darkness
i just want to be your light

i wish we could go back time
to the days where our tears were water
and didn't taste like dirty blood,
when we could fight against the world
even if we couldn't win our internal wars

go and run to the bathroom and throw up all the progress,
why do you hide the truth if you know that lying hurts?
you think i'm wrong and i think you're broken
but you can't fix my mind and i can't fix your heart

you were always saying
wake up, you need to live,
but i am not afraid to live
i just have a couple scars

cut my throat while i still can breath
and take all the ink from my dead body,
fill your heart with the pain of my soul
so it can keep breathing, unlike me;
i'm bleeding in water colors
above the gloom of my existence

yeah, take my happiness with you
your smile never was mine,
go far away from here
this time i'm not gonna hold your hand!

everyone thinks we're perfect,
please don't let them know the truth
because i'll never be your brightest star,
and you can't save me after all

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