chapter nineteen

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OHIO, 1999

A young Anya was in her garden alongside Yelena, her sister. She was swinging as Yelena pushed her. 

A familiar whistle sounded, causing the pair to respond, first Yelena and then Anya. 

Anya jumped off of the swing, bending backwards into a bridge, Yelena following suit. 

"We're all upside down," Anya giggled.

"And I bet you're going to fall down first," a young Natasha joked.

"Na-ah, Yelena is!"

"No, I'm not, Nat is," she told. 

"Yeah, Nat, you're gonna fall down first."

After Nat made a funny face, Anya fell down, Yelena following closely behind. 

Nat began laughing, the three of them running around the garden before Anya fell down, crying for her mum. She came quickly, Nat and Yelena already holding her close as she cried over her knee. 

"What happened?" Melina asked, kneeling down. 

Anya lunged forward for a hug. Melina pulled back. 

"She fell on her knee,"  Nat explained. 

"Oh, you bump your knee?" 

Anya nodded. 

Melina kissed her knee better, "There we go. Oh, come on, little one. Get up. You're okay. Come on." They began walking to where Natasha was now, swinging on the swing. Yelena next to her. "You're a brave girl. Your pain only makes you stronger. Right, you?"

Natasha agreed. 

"Look! Forest stars," Yelena exclaimed.

"Yeah. You know what? Those are actually part of the Lampyridae family. And the glow, the glow that you see, that comes from a chemical reaction called bioluminescence. Come on, time for dinner," Melina explained, grabbing Yelena and Anya's hands.

"Bio-goomin-feasants?" Yelena repeated. 

Anya laughed.

"'Bio-goomin-feasants.' That's right," Melina replied. She then called out, "Dinner! Come on, dinner, big girl!"

Yelena walked behind Melina, "I want mac and cheese."

"I want dinosaur nuggets," Anya exclaimed. 

"Oh, you want mac and cheese and dinosaur nuggets? Okay. Well, I want... caviar and champagne," Melina responded before instructing them to help her set the table. 

"Green beans are my favourite vegetable," Yelena told Anya. 

"Yuck, green beans are gross."

"Dad's home," Melina called out when they heard a door slam. 

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