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I slid my back down the door, let out a sigh, and closed my eyes. I lost control. How could I let myself lose control? Idiot. My self-degrading thoughts were interrupted by something brushing against my leg. I opened my eyes to be met with golden orbs belonging to a black cat. "Anubis." I gently rubbed his head, the sound of his purrs soothed me. Anubis was my familiar, he literally just showed up on our doorstep two years ago. There was nothing to explain his appearance, he only had a gold metallic collar with an ankh charm dangling from it. Anubis was a good cat, though sometimes it seemed that he knew much more about magic than anyone else.

I picked up Anubis and put him on the bed, I laid on the bed next to him and stroked his fur. My black knee length dress and quiet breaths made my sleep look like a funeral. I liked the quiet though, some would find it lonely. I almost drifted to sleep until I felt a strong magic presence. I looked into the future of Queenie first, only a couple of minutes. She was with Nan, they were in Queenie's bedroom talking. They were safe, now onto the others. Zoe, I focused on her and saw that she was with Madison. The blinding lights and loud music made it clear they were at some party, but no magic presence there. Finally, I looked for my mom. She was mixing her potions again, in the greenhouse. There was something here though, some strong magic. I pushed my vision further ahead, then I saw her, "Fiona.". My grandmother, she and my mom have never really gotten along, this could mean trouble. I got up from my bed and opened the door. Anubis leaped off the bed and sprinted down the hallway, I knew where he was going.

When I got to the greenhouse, they were already fighting. I hid in a shadowy corner, and saw Fiona pour some liquid that my mom gave her into a bowl underneath the greenhouse sink. Anubis went to go see what it was, but my mom shooed him away. She picked up the bowl and turned to Fiona before placing it on the table in the middle of the room.

"You bitch. It wouldn't of killed you." Mom snarled at Fiona.

"Just put me in a coma for a couple days?"

"Or weeks. Look, why don't you just go away? I don't want you here. How else do you want me to say it?" Mom really wasn't happy to see Fiona at all.

"You're still angry. I can tell." Fiona said, exasperated.

"My God, you are the Supreme." Mom said sarcastically.

Fiona said something about forgiveness, which pissed mom off. She went off about how Fiona left her here, at the academy. Mom told her to get out, but Fiona was stubborn. Fiona said she was here to help us and said that there was a storm coming. Fiona further angered my mom by saying that she was leaving 'these poor girls' completely unprepared for what's coming. She kept on and on, saying my mom's way of handling things won't work. I couldn't take much more of it, and I knew my mom was safe, so I slipped out and headed back to my room.

I slipped on my pjs, a black, crop tank top with the word DREAM written in big white letters, and white shorts with black moons and constellations on it. If I was lucky, I would have a dreamless sleep, I wasn't lucky that night.

I was in a whirlwind of colors and sounds. I thought I heard what sounded like a car crash. When I moved to see where the sound came from, my mind was pulled in one hundred different directions. I saw a man with axe chopping up a body, the dead walking, someone burning at the stake. Just when I thought I couldn't take much more of these terrifying visions, the erratic visions suddenly became stable, and I saw something that I would never want to see again. The world was on fire, people were screaming and rockets flew in the air. I felt the worst dread imaginable, then I woke up.

I had a thunderous headache, that only happened when the visions were too much to handle. I slowly got up, and prepared myself for the day. I paired my black, chained dress with black chunky heeled ankle boots that have silver chains and moon on front. 

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