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Two years passed, I was 16, many girls arrived at the academy. All was supposed to be great, however, it wasn't. My Mom, no matter how much I pestered her, would not tell me anything about the Scarlet Witch name. This created a divide between us. Zoe was always busy, running around either leading classes, learning magic, or with Kyle. Queenie went missing. Mom eventually tracked her to the Hotel Cortez but was unable to get Queenie out. That broke her heart in a way that I don't think will ever be fixed.

So, I sat in my room on my bed, watching an old 80s movie on my tv that I'd mounted onto my wall. Anubis laid beside me.

"I could totally take on a wimpy serial killer like this one with my magic." I said looking up at the tv for a moment, before returning my attention to the ancient leather bound grimoire that laid open in front of me.

"Shouldn't you be doing something more productive than sitting around watching terrible movies?" Anubis asked, I glared at him. "What? Don't look at me like that. You're the one who mentally linked us together because you were lonely."

"I'm not lonely!" I yelled at him, "And I'm honestly regretting that decision. You're annoying."

"Yeah, yeah." He placed one of his black paws on the open page. "Where did you get this anyway?"

"I might have snuck into Mom's office and stole it."

"Circe.' Anubis said disappointed.

"What? It was the oldest looking one and Mom won't tell me anything about the Scarlet Witch name, so I have to find out for myself. There's some pretty cool stuff in here."

I pointed at the page he had his paw on. "See, a soul splitting spell. It says that a witch can use this to keep a dying person's soul alive by splitting it."

I looked at the next page, "Woah, I've never seen this one before." A time travel spell, I could barely read the small words, they were in Greek ' Η δίνη του χρόνου λυγίζει στη θέλησή μου και με στέλνει εκεί που θέλω'

I slowly translated aloud, "The vortex of time bends in my will and sends me where I want?"

I turned to Anubis, "Does that make any sense to-" My words cut off as a bright red light, obscured my vision. Then I couldn't hold my eyes open and it went black.

I woke up stiff. The ground beneath me felt like concrete, but that couldn't be right. The academy didn't have concrete floors. I opened my eyes to see that I was laying in an alleyway. I needed to figure out where I was, I got up shakily and walked out of the alley and into a crowd of people. Their clothes were weird and some woman was talking on a cell phone that I've only seen in old movies. I snatched a newspaper out of a man's hand as he walked by.

"Hey! I was reading that." He continued to shout at me but I couldn't hear him over the shock that my mind was going through. I read the date at the top of the paper.


TO BE CONTINUED IN:   The Season Of The Witch: But It's 1984

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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