Chapter 12: BORN TO DIE

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The week passed, each of the girls training in their own way. I was working on Transmutation. I warped from room to room. When I decided to take a break, I snuck down to the greenhouse. After being sure that no-one else was there, I made my way over to Mom's Thyme plant. I grabbed some and went to the kitchen to make tea. I've been taking from my Mom's garden since the dream with the blood drinking people. It stopped my dreams and hindered my visions, but it was a blessing. We had a last meal together, before the morning of the Seven Wonders. I could feel that everyone was on edge. I just hoped that we all would survive tomorrow.

The day for the Seven Wonders came, and we all assembled ready to begin.

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"The Seven Wonders." Aunt Myrtle explained, "Usually we move from easiest to hardest. But since we're breaking with tradition this year, let's begin with my personal favorite. Telekinesis."

We went down a line, everyone managing to pull their candle to them. Next was Concilium, mind control, everyone passed this trial so far. I was last and was paired up with Madison. She was confident that I couldn't do it. I focused on what I wanted her to do. Madison suddenly collided her knees with the ground, and was unable to get up.

"Oh, very funny mous-" Her mouth shut itself tightly, and halted her words.

"Alright, that's enough Circe. You pass." My mom said, a slight amused tone in her voice.

"The descent into the nether world will be your next test." Aunt Myrtle moved on, "Getting to hell will be simple for girls of your talents. It's the getting back, darlings, that is the challenge. If your soul hasn't returned to your body by sun-up, you'll die."

Aunt Myrtle flipped a large hourglass and the trial began. We chanted "Spiritu Duce, in me est. Deduc me in tenebrious vita ad extremum, ut salutaret 'nferi. Descensum!" I let my soul slip into hell.

My mind felt hazy as I got up from where I laid. I looked around but I was still the living room, the only shocking difference being the dead bodies of my fellow witches. Their skin was rotted and falling off, their complexion was grey. I felt tears run down my face, but little did I know that my hell would get worse. The bodies moved and stood up, they shouted at me.

"Look at what you did to us!" Yelled Zombie Zoe.

"I knew you were a crazy bitch!" Zombie Madison joined in.

"Well, it's to be expected, she is the destroyer." Zombie Aunt Myrtle said, as they all closed in on me.

"I thought you were my friend!" Shouted Zombie Misty.

Zombie Queenie grabbed my arm, "You'll pay for what you've done."

They pushed me down to the floor, then my Mom walked up and sat on my stomach and started to strangle me. "This is your fate. You are the destroyer, the end, You are the Scarlet Witch."

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