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It seemed that everyone was out today, I couldn't find Zoe. I remembered hearing Queenie and Nan say something about new people moving in. I headed to the balcony, and sure enough, they were there. It was blazing hot outside, I was thankful for my black tank top and denim shorts. However, It seemed Queenie and Nan were more thankful for the woman's son; Who took off his sweat stained shirt.

"He's cute." Nan said

Queenie agreed "Like butter on a stick."

A giggle escaped my lips "Honestly, you two, he just got here and you're already flirting."

The clacking of heels came up from behind us, accompanied by a voice.

"What are you three yapping about?" Madison. Great.

"Our new neighbors moving in next door." Nan answered.

The woman hastily told her son something, motioning at his chest. I guessed it had to do with his shirtless appearance. She looked -more like glared- up at us disapprovingly. The boy followed her gaze to us.

''Well, this is getting awkward. I'm going back inside."

"Your loss." Madison called after me.

Just as I entered the cool air of the academy, I got a text. It was from Zoe.

'Need help.' Then a list of directions came up. The place she was sending me to looked like it was close to the swamp. What was she doing down there?

I got to the place Zoe texted, it was more of a shack. When I got up to the door, I could hear music playing. Was that Stevie Nicks? I pushed the door open and saw Zoe and a blonde haired girl. The blonde one seemed on edge.

"Relax, Misty, This is Circe. She's a friend."

"Misty? Misty Day? I thought you were dead?"

"Well, I'm not, Zoe says I have the power of resurgence."

I stepped further into the shack, and saw a blond teen boy on the bed. He looked confused and half-dead. He had scar marks on his neck and shoulders.

"Zoe, who is that?" I asked

"Well, his name is Kyle. He was a one of the boys in the bus." She took a deep breath before continuing, "One of the boys that died."

"Died? Then how is he-, please tell me you didn't bring him back from the dead."

"It wasn't really an 'I' more like a 'We'."

"We? Who helped you?" My eyes shot to Misty.

"It wasn't Misty. It was Madison."

"Madison! Is that where you two went the other day?"

"We just used a little spell. Everything's fine now."

"Zoe. Just don't bring anything back from the dead."

Misty piped up, "Why don't you two stay for dinner?"

"Another time. I promise." Zoe reassured her, as she picked up Kyle from the bed.

I was following them out when Misty booted up and grabbed Kyle's arm insisting: "He's not ready yet. He needs me."

Misty grabbed Kyle by the face, "We're connected. Kyle, when she abandoned you, I was there. You can't just replace me."

Kyle didn't take that well and threw her off of him. He started shouting, clearly being brought back scrambled his mind. Zoe was able to calm him down and promised Misty that we would come back for her. We left the music of Stevie Nicks disappearing behind us.

Zoe was driving, Kyle in the passenger seat, I was in the back. We stopped at a white house with a metal fence. The words 'when you see her' captured my attention.

"Zoe, we're not taking him home are we?"

"Where else can we take him? Besides this is for the best; He'll be with someone that he really knows."

"Yeah, someone who knows he's supposed to be dead." I sighed. "If you think this is the way to go, alright."

"Really?" Zoe asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, now go ahead and take him."

Zoe got Kyle out of the car, walked him to the door, knocked, then ran and hid before the woman-who I assumed was his mother- came out and hugged him while she was crying.

Zoe got back in the car, and just sat there, probably thinking over what she had done.

"You alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah, let's go home."

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