Chapter 7: GUILTY

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We went our separate ways when we got back to the academy. I guessed she didn't want to talk about what happened. Even I could tell that she loved him very much, it must have been hard giving him up. The day went by, I stayed in my room. Tidying things up, rearranging them, after that got boring I simply watched videos on my phone. I only emerged from my domain to get something to eat. There was a woman, dressed in a maids outfit. She didn't look happy to be here, but she did look familiar. I scurried back up to my room and fell asleep soon after.

I didn't dream that night. It was peaceful until I was awakened by Fiona's yelling. Still in my black and white striped pj shorts and cropped black pj shirt with moons on it, I stumbled out of bed and opened my door, my mom and Fiona were rushing into a room. I followed them into the room to see Queenie lying on the bed, bloody.

"What happened?" I exclaimed. My mom was mixing something together, while Fiona explained.

"Queenie was attacked, by some minion of hell. Stay inside Circe. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes." I said shakily.

Fiona turned back to my mom. " This was dark art voodoo, flat out."

"Marie Laveau."

"No doubt. This is your fault. You went to see her, Cordelia."

"You deliberately provoked her." Mom shot back.

"How would you know that?"

"Because she told me."

Fiona was getting angry, "Yeah? And what were you doing over on that side of town?"

"It was a personal matter."

"Christ, Delia!" Fiona exclaimed, "Is that where you were sneaking off to this afternoon? To the voodoos for some half-assed fertility spell? Her Pochaut Medecine? How much did she take you for?"

"Nothing, thanks to you. I left there with nothing."

"Yeah, not even you dignity. Christ. You as much as announced that her magic was stronger than yours. Or mine!" Fiona belted out.

Mom wasn't going to back down, "Don't you try to put this on me. You went there first."

It was at those words that Fiona lost it, "I went there to show strength! And you undermined me by showing belly!

"Can we all just hold up a minute?" Their heads both snapped to me. "Marie Laveau is still alive?"

"Yes." They both said in unison.

Mom's attention went back to Queenie, "Mother, She's not breathing."

"Move." Fiona walked and lowered herself over Queenie, before exhaling into Queenie's mouth. Queenie gasped back to life.

"I've got a heartbeat, but maybe we should take her to a hospital."

"No, that is out of the question. From now on, we handle everything internally. The last thing you want is to have the Council show up on your doorstep and question your competence." Fiona strained, then left the room.

"I know she said it bluntly, but she has a point. Normal people would start asking too many questions."

"I know." My mom mumbled as she went back to work on Queenie. "Go back to bed Circe, I'll take care of Queenie."

"Alright, just call me if you need anything."

I was scared to go back to sleep, scared that I may not escape the visions. However, I put my fears aside and went to sleep. It was a bad idea.

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