Chapter 10

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Third Person View

"Now let me see how you guys fight without your weapons," Kaneki said and he starts stretching same goes for Ayato. "We're going to attack without a weapon?" Connie ask. "Is there a problem with that?" Kaneki asks tilt his head at the side. "No... not at all sir," Connie said and salute him. "Oh.... ok?" Kaneki said in confusion. 'Sir is a bit much I think' Kaneki thought and just sweat drop seeing him like panic talking to me. "It's only hand combat I thought you all are warriors or something? S-o-l-d-i-e-r-s maybe?" Ayato mock but just whispered the last part, smirking at two certain people who he knew the last phrase to describe. They all position themselves Amon stands a few meters away from them to watch and observe them.

"3!" They all start an eye to eye contact with each other.


'This is nothing, piece of cake' Eren said in mind.


'Here we go.' Kaneki thought. "Go!" Kaneki said and all of them attack them two. Ayato and Kaneki just keep dodging their attack one by one, since they need to observe how long they will last in hand combat since they need to start from scratch, Amon just standing looking at every move in each person, but the move impressive him the most in a one on one combat is Reiner at the same time is Eren even though he's not used to of course he looks at the two ghouls since he still an investigator missing this opportunity is a waste.

'Well, this is a good observation' Amon deeply thought and just smile that made someone get goosebumps.

"What was that? A warning?" He thought

=Time skip=

"How long was that Amon-san?" Kaneki ask. "Around 35 mins for the other people but for Levi-san it's 50 mins more since he is not yet completely healed" Amon replied. "That was short" Ayato complain and put his hand on the back of his head. "They will never survive that long!!" Ayato insult and start laughing putting his arms on his stomach. "Ayato that's why we're here to help them if they encounter some right? Everyone starts in square 1 you know same goes for you before" Kaneki shrugged his shoulders and sign. "If they learn or not they will still be going to die either way or another" Ayato said with a serious tone. "Kaneki-san tell me how that something on your back appears but your body is so small, does it hide inside of your body?" Hanji asks out of nowhere that made the boys flinch except for Kaneki, Ayato, Levi. "Uhhhhh Like this you mean?" Ayato said and he reveals something on this back. "Ayato they can't defend themselves yet," Kaneki said and he went in front of him. "In order for them to defend themselves they need some experience if they encounter one right now," Ayato said. "Who goes first?" Ayato asks. Mikasa raises her hand. (How did she get there?? Ok some parts for this~~)

"Ok, so all of you guys, who can fight 1 on 1?" Touka asks harshly but not that mean. Mikasa raise her hand and Hanji. "You two come forward and let's see what you guys have," Touka said and the two of them come forward and keep attacking her. Touka only do was dodge every attack they gave her, she needs to know what are their strength and weakness. After few mins of that. "You two have skills I gave you that but you can't last for an hour we need to build up your stamina same goes for all of you," Touka said and added to Hanji and Mikasa to take a break since Touka got satisfied from the fight and went to train the other girls. Mikasa starts walking until she hears Ayato's challenge. "Brave girl," Ayato said and crack some bone of his. "I warn you I won't go easy on you, this is life or death wish" Ayato added. Mikasa attack Ayato and he dodge it easy and kick her from behind knowing Ayato he is fast, not common humans can catch his speed. "Is that all you got? What a weak girl you are, now I am curious how can you kill that giant monster? I never knew this is all the training you all have, more like flying around." Ayato said smirking. Mikasa started attack Ayato nonstop like she is a different person. 

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