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- Thanks to a flight sim Ryan knew that after the 7th turn in the flight, they were on final for the runway at Groom lake, dreamland, the lake , the ranch or Area 51. Whatever you called it. It was a honor to be allowed to work at the base. The flight was a short hop. At the most just 45 minutes up and over the mountains of the northern Nevada desert.
"3 , 2 , 1, gear down ready....... NOW!!!"
-he know the flight down to a T at this point. Then again who wouldn't after four years of taking the same flight. He felt the two bumps of the main gear touching down then the nose touched and the reverse thrusters kicked in followed by the spoilers in the full up position. Just like any other airline flight just after they turned off the runway, the pilot would come over the PA.
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the lake, the time hasn't changed but it is a brisk 55 degrees outside. Please do watch the baggage from me ur overhead compartments as shift does happen. Tower has directed us to parking 1 today as we are the 1st flight. Have a safe day everyone and remember, Job security is all around"
- The Boeing came to a stop and the chime for the fasten seatbelts sign went off and instantly everyone started undoing their lap belts and grabbing the few carry on stuff they had.
And then from the front he could hear the flight attendant saying the usual
"Bye have a good one, Mr Bill have a nice day, bye bye guys, see you later guys."
- Ryan came up to the exit and......
"Ahhh Mr Kelly, have a nice day today!"
"Thanks lin, same to you. Safe flight back."
"Always Mr. Kelly"
-As soon as everyone got off the jet, everyone went separate ways. Some went to te Cafeitia, others went to the base shoppe, while others just lingered talking to the security forces or Air Force personnel that were always there for the jets arrival. Although because he took the early flight which he did most days. He went straight to the Hanger where "She" would be and where eventually everyone would come too come the later flights.

 -The walk to the hanger wasn't that far and as per request by "her" it was always cracked open but had a vail that covered the opening that made it look as if the lights were on

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-The walk to the hanger wasn't that far and as per request by "her" it was always cracked open but had a vail that covered the opening that made it look as if the lights were on. He tapped his badge on the keypad near the hanger doors and once it beeped he pulled the vail and walked. 
-And as his eyes adjusted to the darkness he could make the faint outline of the Bird that had come to become his friend in the corner of the hanger. Barely lit but still able to tell there was clearly a jet or in case a being there.  As the crinkles from the vail closing subsided he broke the silence of the hanger.
"Oh ARA.....   good morning girl"
- As the echo died he saw  a glowing red eye appear just as he got blinded with a spotlight!

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