Its not just people who get hurt

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- Another month had passed since ARA made the surprise call to Ryan. She didn't care that she had been locked in the hush house for 30 days now. She didn't even care about the dust coating that was starting to form on her wings. She was just happy because she recorded the rather lengthy phone call with Ryan. Whenever she needed a pick me up or just wanted to hear his voice again , she would play the recording and fall into somewhat of a dream state where she envisioned herself at the cabin next to him watching the night sky.  

"Ohhh baby, I miss you"

- She missed him greatly and just wished he would part the hush house doors and see him standing there. However as much as she wished to see him there, all she saw was the mechanism to the doors. A simple rail with wheels like a railroad and just like any other hangar doors. She would stare endlessly into the point of her nose and pitot tube hoping the door would crack open.   Even though she had Ryan's call recorded.  Her loneliness in the isolated hanger would get to her at times. Again, it had been a month since Matt had moved her from the hanger she had called home to the hush house. 

"Ha! How  ironic.  A hush house to keep me away and have all those that knew me clueless." 

-Thankfully for her, there were skylights in the roof.  Although she couldn't see the blue sky that often. Sun rays would beat down everyday from noon to about 3.  Because she needed movement to keep herself alive being she was basically a colony of little robotic cells. She managed to configure the cells on her spine and tops of her wings to absorb solar energy.  Yet this was barely enough if she was to lose all hope and stay inside.  Eventually the solar wouldn't be enough and she would sadly Parrish. 

"Ohhh, oh please no! This isn't how it's supposed to end.  Please! Whatever you are and wherever you are please don't let this be my final place." 

-Ryan over the years had told her about the all mighty GOD!   Yet to her even with her limitations at the time , she simply didn't get it.  However over time she grew a understanding of what he, she or they were.  And in dire times of need she find help even if nothing happened.  She closed her eyes and drooped her flaps as the swish of the hydraulic fluid in her actuators echoed.     She sat there like she had done for the last 31 days. Motionless and conserving power.  When all of sudden she heard a vehicle pull up outside!  She heard as the tires grinned to a stop on the asphalt.  Shortly followed by the thuds of doors opening  and closing.  ARA was very intrigued, who the heck was just on the other side of the door and what was going to happen.   The access door just to the left of the opening of the main door began to jingle as the keys were being inserted into the lock.   As soon as the lock was released and the door swung open filling the interior with sun.   Every though and every ray of goodness and hope and just good attitude sunk! She quickly realize who it was and she went from holding on to whatever she could of hope of flying again and seeing Ryan, to her certainly meeting her possible end.   For the person who had walked in was the on scientist that didn't like her and who had previously tortured her in the passed along with two other maintenance personnel that she remembered had done harmful repairs to her about 3 years earlier.

"Well boys!  This is the POS!"
"Ohhhh really!  It seems like a big piece of sh$@t!"

- ARA was appalled by their remarks but didn't expect anything else. She went to respond to them when all of sudden, she shuddered and in her vision she saw white and streaks,   Her vision blurry and her sensors near her nose unreadable.  

"Ahhhhh, what the heck!!!! Ah aa ahh."

"Oh shut up! You don't feel pain"

"Ah! Ah. Bu buuttt but I do"

"No! No you most absolutely dont!!!"
- As he shoved what looked to be a cattle probe straight onto her C-10 access port!  

"Aaaaaahhhhhh. Stop please!!!   Please, I beg you stop....

"Ohhh shut it!!!!"

Aghhhhfhhghhh,,,,, ahhhhh . Huh aaa. Staaaaphhh. Please...... pllleasssee ssss top."

-What had been a normal morning for her, had quickly turned into hell.  With every shock she became extremely weak.  All her systems were also going hey wire as with each shock very sensitive sensors were being lost, damaged or worst! Short circuited.  With each jab of the prob, she was losing sensors that would tell her the proximity of things.   And slowly but surely she wasn't able to tell where the next shock might come from as the scientist made his was under her left wing.

"Pleaseeeeeeee Scott!!!!!   SCOTT!!!!! Please stop!!.....   ahh. A! Ahhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"

" Go ahead!!! Cry!!! Your Ryan isn't here to save you anymore".

"Ahhhh, stopppp, nooo please Scott, please scott!!! ...... ahhhhhhhh hhhh"

- ARA was losing it, she was getting weak , with every shock she was losing vial sensors and other electrostatic sensitive things. Her very vision was getting even worse and she was starting to hear muffled speech. And with all this she was trying to hold onto ever little piece of hope she could.
" Hang in there. You can do it. Hang innn.......
ARA!!!!!..... Ryan....!!!!! Yesss hun!!! Remember what I said!!! Hang in there. But Ryan!!! How!!! Don't worry girl!!! Just hang in there".

-Ryan was just a voice in her mind. But just that was enough to help her hang on. And sure enough what seemed like hours was minutes. And the 3 men left the hush house. She was left in pain and definitely was suffering. However with what she was, she was able to recover after a certain amount of time, healing in a sense. Her visual optics and sensors eventually came back but it didn't hurt any less. Ryan had seen her as a equal. She may be a F-16 with more wires and connections and ducting and engineering not to mention the now living part that he could handle. But the important thing was that he saw her as the same no matter the size difference or what was inside her. She also knew that she could easily take them down. Yet that in its self could only bring her harm in the end.

"Ohhh baby. Baaabeee! I.... I misssss you....... Owe".

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