Chapter 2

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           Jonathen sat alone at the wooden table in the dining area. The other trainees buzzing around him. His best friend was busy packing to go to the capitol. Jonathen would never admit he was jealous, but when he tried to protest to Kasai, he was quickly shot down and pushed harder in training that day.
The exhausted boy flopped his head on the table. He didn't want Modry to leave. It meant he would be alone, and he hated being alone. Especially after training because everything ached and he often thought too much.
Jonathen sighed as he messed with food. He then glanced around and secretly packed away the food and rushed out of the dining area to Modry's room. He peaked in and gave a weak smile as he noticed her done packing. She slowly turned to face him with the same smile as she messed with her scarlet ponytail.
"Do you have to leave?" Jonathen asked, already knowing her response.
"C'mon Jonny, of course I do. . . It's my first real assignment as an assassin with Master Luca!" She sighed to take a breath, "don't tell me you'll miss me?" She teased him with a wink.
Jonathen quivered and shrugged. "We did grow up together. . ." He protested as he looked away.
"You'll be fine! Just don't grow soft and keep trying! We will be out on the field together in no time!" She held a smile while Jonathen just shrugged.
Just as they were going to change the subject, Luca walked in to get Modry to leave. She hugged Jonathen goodbye and walked out, leaving Jonathen in the empty room that was once his friend's
           Later that night and by dark, Jonathen snuck out of the base, like he had often done before and rushed through the forest until he reached a shoreline. He let out exasperated breathes as he looked out at the shimmer water. Sighing to relax, he watched the white moon reflect on the ocean waves.
           Jonathen was about to sit himself on a rock before he heard a humming noise. This caused him to look up into the ocean but saw nothing. The sound got louder and was recognizable as a young woman's voice his thoughts slowly emptied. He stepped out into the water with slow almost hypnotized footsteps, only to hear the hum turn into soft harmonizations. This lured the boy more, but before he could go too deep, his arm was grabbed and broke his mind from the spell.
            Jonathen glanced around, slightly frightened, and watched a teal head and tail dive into the ocean. Jonathen was then yanked into someone's chest before he was smacked across the face. He jumped and looked up to see the raging face of his mentor.
          Kasai breathed heavily as he hovered over Jonathen and practically shook with rage, his long raven hair a mess. "The hell were you thinking!?" He screamed full of anger. "That was a siren! Why are you even out here!? You aren't supposed to leave the base alone!" He scolded, practically boiling out of his skin.
           Jonathen gulped, but before he could apologize a blood curdling shriek came from some trees with a couple more to follow.
            Kasai tensed up and clutched his ears and quickly withdrew his chained kunai knives and looked around. "Looks like you get some extra training, genius." He huffed sarcastically and ordered his student to get ready to fight. "Sounds like a group of banshee. . ." He said in a low tone as the gory looking humanoid creatures emerged in the moonlight.
          Kasai leaped into the air as soon as the banshee let out another deafening scream again, immobilizing Jonathen. Kasai used a tree branch to lunge himself at the same banshee and shank the creature in the chest, causing Jonathen to scrunch his nose and finally, weakly move his feet as a banshee rushed at him with its claws.
           Jonathen tossed his knife at the threat along with more to follow which caused it to shriek in pain and pitifully fall over. While Kasai tossed his knifes, using his ability to heat it up and land straight in their heads and chests with gory noises and yank his weapon back out with the chains to remain at his side.
           The student soon turned to look at Kasai, who was occupied by one banshee only to have one come behind him and dig its bloody teeth into Kasai's shoulder blade before Jonathen could warn him.
            Kasai called out in pain and swung his arm back to jab his kunai into the enemy's rib cage and twist it inside with a squelch, followed with the thump of it falling. He then quickly took action to lower his other blade that he used to hold off the other one and quickly slapped his hand on the banshee in front of him. His hand lit up a blueish color and spread ice on the poor creature, causing it to burst and catch fire into tiny pieces, the blue fire, charing the skin and bones to ash.
           Jonathen stood in shock for a bit before running over to his mentor who now clutched his shoulder and glared at him. The boy helped his mentor rush away to safety away from the banshee that were coming as back up. He arrived back at the base and called for help so Kasai could be rushed to the infirmary.
          The boy sat shaking nervously as guilt and anxiety flushed his mind. He began to sweat as he clutched his heart as his mind buzzed with incomprehensible thoughts. Jonathen sat zoning and shaking for what felt like hours but was actually only a couple of minutes before he felt a large hand grip his shoulder. He looked up slowly to see the gave of the Headmaster.
          He bore a large frown and his hairy brows pointed in an angle that clearly displayed his disappointment in the young student.    
           Jonathen looked down feeling anxious again just as the headmaster walked by him towards the infirmary.
          "Wait in my sanctuary for when I get back." He scolded Jonathen before he entered the room, leaving the boy alone.
            Jonathen's lip quivered as he began walking to the sanctuary, feeling heavy in the chest.

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