Chapter 4

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         Jonathen sat staring, frozen, at a pair of glowing yellow eyes. His eyes were wide and his body frozen and achy from all the anxiety he had already experienced in one night. 𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘐 𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘢 𝘣𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘬. 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘥. He thought to himself as the eyes didn't seem to move and he gulped again.
         "Why does your throat keep doing that??" A sudden voice came from the eyes and a male emerged from the shadows. He was an older male, made completely out of wood. His eye sockets completely hollow, only glowing yellow spaces. He wore soaked tattered clothes and his hair, which was seaweed was slightly tangled, with sticks and a lotus flower stuck in it. A lily pad sat lightly on top his head.
          The man bowed with a grin and a funny cackle. "You are a strange human? You look like you have seen a ghost? Is it my fiancé?" He said, his voice carrying a thick Norwegian accent.
          Jonathen blinked and shook his head still with big scared eyes. "Wh- aren't you a ghost? The ghost of the chapel the elders talked about?"
          The male cackled a funny sound again. "I am no ghost! Is that what those cooky old men are calling me now??" He said rubbing his wooden chin.
          "Who are you? What are you??" Jonathen asked tilting his head.
           "Im Edward Wonderiêk. Though you can call me Eddie! I am the lonely Nøkken bard!" He said with a crooked grin as he bowed and tipped the lily pad like a hat.
"A nøkken...." Jonathen asked his eyes growing cold as he withdrew a kunai knife from is mat.
"Woahh! Put down your pointer, lad. I aint your normal nøkk. I am a hermit of that kind. I am no enemy of human. I made a vow not to consume human flesh for my fiance" he said his smile never once disappearing.
"But- all monsters- are- bad-" Jonathen said blinking and gulped again.
Eddie mimicked Jonathen with the gulp and laughed. "Your throat makes funny noises little boy!" He said laughing his funny laugh again. "Not all monsters are bad! Som of us are just as socialized as a bred human" he said tapping his wooden face.
Jonathen stood partly in shock. This creature was so strange. It was kind of warming in such a scary place. He sat himself down and relaxed with him. "So you wont ear me?"
"Ahaha! Does a hippo eat bark?? You know I dont know. That's beside the point. My diet has become strict of Sea Crackers and Green goo!" Eddie rambled on about nonsense.
"Sea crackers? Green goo?" Jonathen reluctantly asked. A bit concerned if he should have even asked what those dishes were.
"YES! Sea crackers and green goo!" He said cackling as he seemed to pull two wooden bowls from no where. One was filled with what looked like a saltine, bloated from floating in water too long. In the other was filled with mashed up green objects entangled in slimy moss.
Jonathen shuddered. "Sounds. Interesting. . ." He groaned slightly, only to have Eddie cackle again. This man was so bubbly and weird. What was his deal?
Darkness covered everything. Kasai could feel not see nothing. He breathed heavily and let out a weird dog like whimper. He scared himself with it, only to see a gigantic wolf like being before him. It growled and seemed to shimmer like the stars. It looked to be made of galaxies. He looked up with wide eyes. "WHAT ARE YOU!? WHERE AM I!?" He called out his voice breaking.
The wolf didn't answer, but only lowered his head and dropped a charred paper that said in red ink, "Fenrir and Súlfr" Kasai shook his head. "WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??!!" He screamed out in agony as the wolf howled loudly, soon causing Kasai to leap and awake.
Kasai had finally become conscious, the black bubbly texture had gone down, now it just looked like a slightly infected bite mark. He let out heavy breaths and looked around. The medic office. How did he get here? He sat up, only to wince as his shoulder stung like a million of blades in it. A familiar voice told him to lie back down, which he reluctantly listened. "The boy. . . My student. . . " he croaked weakly, sounding like a 40 year old smoker. His long hair was tied in a very messy bun on the top of his head that wiggled anytime he moved.
"He helped you back. He was miraculously unwounded. Pops punished him to the chapel" Luca said, who had been sitting beside him for the past hour. He had left Modry to herself at Aytous. He had rushed back. Knowing Jonathen would need to still train.
          "Damn kid. . . Lucky. . . Where?" Kasai said, having trouble coughing up words.
          "I came back. Pops wanna rush Jonathen's training. He is behind enough. You still gotta rest for a couple of days, my guy" he said shrugging with his charismatic grin.
          Kasai practically gagged at the male's handsome smile. "Bastard. . . This. Is not, an opp- opportunity. . . To get ahead. . ." He wheezed.
           Luca chuckled and pulled the cot's blanket over him. He didn't even care at this moment to settle their rivalry here. All he wanted, was to see Kasai, the male he grew up with, heal. "No promises. Saisai." He said with a wink to play along and not show weakness for him, Because that is just how they showed affection.
            Kasai let out breathy chuckles and looked at the ceiling before closing his eyes. "As. . . If. . ."

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