Chapter 3

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The headmaster stood in the infirmary while the medics hovered around Kasai, who lay on a mat, shirtless, the skin of his shoulder turning a bubbly black color around the deep wound. Kasai wincing with a growl as the medics tried to treat him.
Issac , the headmaster, watched as he covered his mouth and almost cried for the male. Kasai was like a son to him. He remembered when he first met Kasai. Kasai was still a baby. Left outside the old church by god who knows. Issac felt pity and took him in and soon discovered the boy had a gift. One of the most over powered gifts he had seen. He had no idea where the boy came from, but he was a blessing.
Issac soon personally trained the young Kasai to be an excellent fighter, lying and telling him that his parents were brutally murdered by a flock of fury to get him to have that warrior's heart. He watched the teenage Kasai become isolated, besides to him, making him feel special, and he watched Kasai create a rival in another young boy, Luca. Who both pushed each other to be better.
He then even watched him grow into an adult and become a mentor, breeding out other strong assassins. Kasai was his pride and joy, his secret weapon. Yet there was still so little Issac knew about his story.
           Despite this, If anything would to happen to his beloved boy, Jonathen would pay hell. For now. As he was alive, he would use a basic punishment on the kid, but if he were to end up dead because of this. He would surely make Jonathen's life hell.
Jonathen jumped awake after falling asleep in a chair in the sanctuary of his headmaster. The sound of the headmaster clearing his throat caused him to awaken. He looked up at his superior with wide eyes as he awaited to get his punishment.
"That was very foolish of you. . . You not only left the Academy without someone or without permission, but also after curfew." The old man scolded his student.
"I know. . . I repent my actions. . ."
The Headmaster ignored the young teen and held a harsh scowl. "On top of your disobedience, the result of your negligence has caused your mentor to be badly injured. . . My top assassin. . . " he said in a tone that caused Jonathen to hold his breath and close his eyes as his lip quivered again.
         "As punishment you will clean the stables nearby and will spend the nights while Kasai heals in the church" he said glaring at the student, having rage and worry cloud his judgment.
         Jonathen gasped hearing his punishment and shook in protest. "BUT-! THE ELDERS SAY IT'S HAUNTED!!" He pleaded, but the headmaster made no movement nor response.
         He was sent out of the sanctuary to gather his futon mat and pillow to take to the old tattered church section of the large building. He carefully entered hearing the old floor creak and groan with each of his steps. It reeked of decay and must.
        Jonathen came up with the solution of attempting to lay his futon on a pew, but as he climbed on it, it collapsed under him. He gasped for breath from the fall and stood up, rubbing his back and whined as he moved his futon to the floor before lying down and curling up. He glanced around the dark room, the only light visible rays of the moon through dusty stain glass windows. Noises rummaged around him which poor Jonathen could not identify, they echoed around the large auditorium. Just as Jonathen was about to drift off, a loud bang came from the door causing him to jump up to look at the source. All he could see was two yellow glowing eyes across the room, causing him to make a huge gulp.
           {{SQUEAMISH WARNING}}

A young female siren sat in shallow water near the shore. Her teal hair matched the teal and green scales on her tail. She was rather hungry from losing her earlier prey. The foolish human boy was rescued before she could lure him close enough. She huffed and began softly humming, even just something small nearby would be enough.
          This young siren knew she was taking a risk with human meat, she just couldn't help herself. There was something about it that was savory yet also sweet.
         While the siren sang much to her surprise, another human boy had started approaching her. His olive colored skin shimmered in the light of dawn. He had longer layered black haired flowed in the wind, her own imagination viewing it as majestically to the rhythm of her song. His face was so enchanting to her as she sang and he approached closer. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity and longing for this boy, but not to eat him.
          She lured him more until he was just a couple inches away from her. She leaned towards him. Her fingers tracing the skin that appeared so perfect to her. She looked into his honey like eyes. The rich brownish-yellow eyes pulling her in instead. She grinned, showing her yellowish sharp teeth as he was in her clutches. "I dub you. Hades" she cooed in a haunting tone. She then pulled him close to her and opened her jaw and sunk her teeth into his neck, injecting the "siren's curse".
The boy gasped as the strange singing had disappeared and his neck stung as he felt a sharp pain dig deep into him. He groaned as his entire body began to ache, his head spinning as he screamed out.
His ears hurt as he felt them slowly stretch and morph. As the cartilage in his ears changed to a webbed texture. His neck and stomach hurt as he felt each layer of his skin tear open to create gills along them, his insides twisted in a way and every part of him change, eventually causing him to black out.
When the came too, the boy didn't remember much. He glanced around and groaned until he saw a female siren staring at him with wide eyes. "Wh- huh? Who?" He asked in a weak, dazed tone.
"My name is Medusa." The female said blinking and grinning wider as she twirled her teal colored hair.
"Y-you're a siren—" he said with a gulp as he tried to stand but couldn't move his legs. He looked down and screamed as a dark greenish blue tail was in place of where his legs once were. "WHAT-!?"
"Shoosh! Youll attract predators. You are a siren now. Hurry we must dive under to safety" she said quickly as she dived under acting like she didn't cut him off.
The confused boy dived under with her, almost terrified to see what was in store for him next.

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