Chapter 7

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           Issac paced his sanctuary and stroked his stubble. The headmaster wasn't feeling too keen. Good news was, his favorited mentor, Kasai, was back on his feet. He couldn't be more happy about that, it was just that now another one of his mentors was found injured, and the culprit was nowhere to be seen. The headmaster knew who guilty was, he was just unsure where the boy, Jonathen had gone.
Issac called Kasai into his sanctuary and faced away from the male and began to speak in a dark wary tone. "Are you aware of why i called you in here?" He questioned his beloved Kasai in a clearly manipulative tone.
"Yes, master. Jonathen has hurt yet another person. I will take the blame, do not be harsh on him" he said bowing, willing to take the blame for the student whom he had secretly enjoyed teaching.
"Close but not quite" Issac said with a harsh rasp to his voice. "Jonathen injured Luca with his ability... the very one you refused to teach him about. I gave you a very specific task..." he said with disappointment in his tone.
Kasai froze, his heart sinking since the man he admired and looked up to like a father, was mad at him, which was very rare. He wasn't sure how to react. "I told you he wasn't ready!!!" He said getting angry in defense since this feeling was new.
"Well apparently he was ready enough because he was able to activate it, he just had zero controle. Because of you." He said scolding Kasai.
"Well! I-.. If you hadn't messed up with my training and my methods- none of this would've happened-!" Kasai clenched his fist.
"Kasai!!! Take responsibility for your own failures!! Jonathen has become to much of a threat!! He must be hunted down and killed!!!" Issac accidentally called out, still not looking at his mentor.
Kasai froze and looked at the headmaster with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he had just been ordered to do. Kasai was never one to question orders but this seemed out of touch. He wondered if the old man had gone senile. He could pick up in the air though, that he himself was already on thin ice, so he couldn't stand up to his master. Kasai stood up and bowed and closed his eyes with furrowed brows. "As you wish, Master. I will assassinate the boy...." He said in a monotone voice as he walked out, feeling his own chest collapse one itself.
Issac nodded to himself, feeling this was the only option, as the voices in his head told him there was no other way to protect their current state.
Hades sat on his throne made of bones as he rubbed his chin. Was this all real? How could a teen like himself who was once a normal human boy, become part fish and a king/god-tier all in the span of a day and a half. It was his second day as ruler of the underwater underworld and was still uncertain.
It was also clear to Hades, Trixie had yet to trust him, he avoided him most of the time, and even growled and protested when Mitzy had crowned Hades. On top of Trixie's bad behavior towards him, he also seemed to enjoy starting fights with Mitzy, ending in them breaking something in his palace, upsetting Hades.
            When it came to his responsibility of his kingdom, he was tasked with sorting through dead souls of the underwater inhabitants, and even managing the many minions he didn't realize he had. It wasn't until his third day as king that he became bored with everything.
              To appease his boredom he swam out of his palace up out of the darkness towards that small hole he squeezed in when he first entered. Though sadly before he could exit, Trixie got in his way, growling a low tone and swaying his tail so a water current pushed him away from the hole, giving Hades trouble, once again.

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