Chapter 5

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           Medusa swam below the ocean, the boy she named Hades, following her. Once they had gotten deep enough, Medusa stopped and turned to face the boy. "Alright. I turned you into a siren, your name is now Hades." she told him as if it was completely normal.
            Hades furrowed his brows and shook his head. "No way! There is gotta be a way to turn back" he said displeased with his new situation. He swam away from her hissing and swam as fast as he could, not entirely sure where he was going.
           "NO WAIT! Come back!" Medusa called after him, but didn't make an extra effort to chase him, as she hated hassles.
            Hades swam and he swam until he was sure that strange girl was out of sight. He glanced around in the vast water and curled up, sinking a bit, and cried slightly.         
            "Goddammit.. I don't want this..... why me... i want to be back home...." he whined and looked around. He felt miserable and tried to swim to surface and look around, no sign of land anymore. "****" he cursed under his breathe and looked around frantically, crying more. "**** YOU! YOU- YOU SEA WITCH" he said cussing loudly out at Medusa.
              Just as he was about to cry again some seagulls came from nowhere and started circling Hades and squawking at him. He tried to yell to scare them away, but this only upset them and they dove down and started violently pecking at him. He screamed and tried to smack them away. When it was to no prevail he growled and dove under water deep, gasping for breath from the scare.
              Once his adrenaline faded, and he began to feel hopeless again, he curled up once again, letting himself sink deeper and deeper into the dark ocean, hoping to just fade away.
              Much to his surprise though, when he sank to the bottom, he could hardly see much, as down below in the dark layers, there was little light to hit. He groaned as now he felt paranoid in the dark, just before he squeezed his eyes shut, he suddenly saw light. He was so unsure where it came from, only to look down and see his gills, and scales on his body he hadn't noticed before, start to illuminate around him. He was amazed.
                He used the lights of his body to guide himself as he scanned along the ocean floor, soon coming to a stop. He had found a crevice in the ground that also illuminated. It shone an enchanting purple. His eyes sparkled, curious as be used his tail to push himself down and squeeze into this crevice, going deeper down once again.
               Jonathen had spent the night, amusing Eddie and talking with him, until they both seemed to just shut down and doze off. By early morning, Eddie had rushed off when he heard footsteps approaching the church. The doors creaked loudly as they opened, causing Jonathen to turn and shift in his sleep. He was soon poked, causing him to slowly open his eyes and see Luca standing over him.
"Up and at Em fire boy" Luca said nudging him with his foot.
Jonathen groaned and sat up. "Huh? Master Luca??" He asked confused as he rubbed his eyes tiredly.
               Luca smiled and waved. "Since Kasai is still healing. I'll be handling your training" he said winking and doing bunny ears with his hands.
               Jonathen gulped and nodded, soon to sit up and stretch. He looked at Luca and then stood up, following him out of the nasty church, glancing behind him, not sure where Eddie had gone.
              They got to the training rooms, Jonathen helping Luca push open the big mahogany doors. They walked in together and turned towards each other, Jonathen bowing for respect of his temporary master. He then started with basic training of shuriken and kunai knife throwing practices. Then some close contact fighting practice.
              Finally Luca pulled Jonathen outside of the building to a part of the woods that seemed to be mostly dead in a complete circle. Luca smiled at him and flicked his finger and made the dust of the ground spin in circles, make designs in the air, and finally form a mini dust tornado. "This is an ability. All assassins have one. Pops says you have fire. So the first part of that is to get in the element. So since its a hot day and super sunny. I want you to sit out here and absorb the heat of the sun and see if you can feel anything inside yourself"
               Jonathen nodded and sat himself between some stumpy dead trees and took a deep breath before closing his eyes and meditating. His brows furrowed as the heat of the sun beat on his face. He felt that and tried to mentally absorb it. 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘵٫ 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵٫ 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘵 he thought to himself, as if that was how you meditated. Finally he could feel the heat go from external to internal. He took a deep breath again and took more in. He kept absorbing and focusing on that heat as his body then seemed to heat up.
                 Finally Jonathen opened his eyes but this time his eyes had completely changed to a honey yellow. His pupils gone and his eyes and entire body lit up the same yellow and wind picked up around him as his entire body caught on fire and shot out bursts of flames in different directions. It wasn't until he heard Luca called out in pain that Jonathen snapped out of it and he gasped and turned to see Luca curled up on the ground, he had been burnt. Jonathen's energy faded and his eyes returning to normal. "MASTER LUCA!!" He called and ran over and rolled him over. Half his body had been burned in a red charred mess. Jonathen cussed and felt tears fill his eyes as he ran off to get help.

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