Chapter 6

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Hades, once he was able to push through the opening, looked around at what was a very dark yet very large underwater cavern. He swam down more using his luminescence to guide himself blindly in the dark. It felt eerie as the water around him bubbled as the water was weirdly really warm.
As he progressed he bumped into something big. Big and scaly? He gasped and backed up abruptly as now the figure growled and the water shifted as a face of a sea creature turned to face the poor siren. Its greenish blue colored scales shimmered off of Hades glowing gills. He gulped and backed up more, though it only followed him, staring sternly in his eyes. Hades gulped and backed away again. It then started circling Hades, with a low growl in its throat as it eyed him over. Hades went still, and gulped as he closed his eyes.
The monster came up behind him and sniffed his back before nudging it forward and then swimming in front of him, glancing behind, as if to motion him to follow.
Hades hesitantly followed it, lower and lower until his tail bumped what felt like something stone.
The monster swam over to something and coughed up a bluish fire and lit one up a pillars. After lighting one, The others along the stone bridge lit up behind him as he swam towards what seemed to be a large castle.
Hades followed after him eyeing the pillars as they caught on fire, lighting up the cavern in a eerie blue glow. When they hit the black steel doors of the castle, the creature moved aside for Hades. He blinked and pushed open the doors and the courtyard all lit up simultaneously. His eyes lit up and he swam in and admired all The underwater and submerged gothic, oceanic mixed decor.
The creature then nudged him again and lead him to a large photo that was degrading. Below it was a plaque that said "𝘉𝘦𝘭𝘢 : 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘜𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 "
Hades stared at it. He could make out a blurry male's face that seemed refined and chiseled. He seemed to have plum purple hair and large black eyes. Hades's fingers traced the worn image which caused it to completely crumble, making him gasp.
The monster roared and spun in circles, and breathed more blue fire out at the frame, causing it to ripple and suddenly a image of Hades was there, the old plaque falling on the ground In a pile of other old plaques. A new plaque appeared out of nowhere that read "Hades : God of Underwater Underworld"
Hades gasped and looked at the creature who nodded softly and bowed to him. He was then lead to a spiked black throne made of shells and skulls. Before he was able to sit down on it, another roar came from no where and the castle shook. Hades jumped and looked around in fear.
A large purple sea creature emerged and hissed and roared and swam towards Hades, making himself look larger and baring his sharp fangs at the siren.
It looked hungry and ready to swallow him whole before the one from earlier got in between them and started communicating with him. The blue one shot a glance at the portrait and the purple one growled once more and laid down on the ground, pouting. The blue one nodded snd swam off only to bring back to large bowl and dropped them. One bowl saying "Mitzy" closest to the bluish one, and another bowl with, "Trixie", chiseled on it closest to the purple one. Hades understood these where their names and nodded with a grin.
Jonathen stood pacing in the halls once again as he seemed to mess up once again and harm another mentor. He cursed himself in his head and held back tears. "god, you failure. You are a waste of space. Why you? God. I finally unlock my ability and I hurt someone. Assassins protect, not injure.... I don't think.... I belong here..." He rubbed his chin and gulped, feeling his body panic and move itself. He ran to his room without thinking and began packing.
He packed everything up and ran into the church, avoiding people and rolled up his futon and attached it to his bag and then ran out of the building. He cried, and cried as he ran deep into the forest. He ran as fast as he could. Eventually he stopped and look around as his adrenaline faded. he then slowly walked in the dark eerie forest that buzzed and he felt as if he could faint.
Finally he arrived to a smelly bubbly swamp. The vegetation around it grown tall and it seemed to be misty around it. He looked around and groaned at the smell and being tired. He frowned and plopped on a rock, putting his bags down. "What am I going to do.... I just ran away....I- there is no way I can go back now..." he whimpered and looked around. He had no idea what was gonna become of him.
Suddenly the water moved and seaweed floated above the water, causing Jonathen to jump but he kept watching as below the seaweed a wooden head popped up. A pair of familiar and friendly glowing yellow eyes appeared, warming him a bit and he waved slightly.
Eddie came out of the water, dripping as he walked towards Jonathen and cackled his normal cackle again as be clapped. "Jonny boy!!! What brings you to my abode???" He said in a almost squeaky tone.

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