Nothing to Say

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"So, I never asked you," Adam started without preamble when she reappeared in the 21st with Antonio.

The latter groaned quietly, shaking his head in Adam's direction as he sat at his desk. Evie swung her head around slowly, languidly rolling her eyes toward Adam's completely open expression. "It's probably good that you haven't," Evie snapped, not harshly, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with Adam's immaturity.

"You don't even know what I was going to ask."

"But I know you, and I know the types of questions you tend to ask. They usually result in my glaring in your direction and you pretending you're unaware of your severe lack of tact." Evie walked across the room and knocked on the door frame of Voight's office. "We're back to square Murtagh."

Voight looked at her, impassive as always. Evie had gotten better at reading the small changes in expression, the tiny quirk of an eyebrow or shift of the shoulders that signaled his thoughts in motion. "We knew he wasn't gone for good, didn't we?"

"We did," Evie affirmed, leaning against the frame tiredly. "What did you get out of Jared?"

"What did you get out of whoever you went to see?"

"Voight. Please, I know Marty called you. Cade is looking into this for me and I'll tell you when I know anything. So, Jared?"

"I figured you'd already know."

Evie shut her eyes for a moment, frustrated by Voight's need to play constant games with her. It was how he tricked people, got them to talk, kept them guessing, she knew that. She knew that he kept things from his own team if he felt like it. It wasn't something worth getting angry about, but Evie could feel her patience - already worn thin by the events of the day - falling to pieces right there. "I don't know anything about what he's up to now, only what he's done and where he's been in the past. Since he's already done time for that and it's information we are both now privy to, I don't see how it's relevant to discuss it. Is there anything you want to tell me that might help me and therefore this case?"

"I don't believe there is." Voight nodded toward the door.

"Fine. I'll text someone when Cade gets back to me, but consider me off the case." Evie moved to leave but stopped herself. "And please don't ask for my help unless you're actually interested in receiving it. I have my own work to do; I don't need to be sitting around waiting for you to let me be useful." She stalked away, breezing past Adam as he geared up to ask another stupid question and Antonio nodding his goodbye.

This was why she wasn't police.

Evie pinched the bridge of her nose, keeping her eyes closed. "It's been a day. One day. Twenty-four hours." The sound of shoes scuffing the sidewalk only increased her frustration. "What do you want from me?"

Jay's voice was calm and collected, which didn't help to soothe Evie's temper. "Olly came up to me today."

This piece of information prompted Evie to open her eyes. "Olly? But I sent Jade to drop off the information Cade came up with."

"Yeah, he left it with Platt. Olly approached me separately."

Evie leaned back against the brick wall of The Wayfarer's exterior, impatient. "And told you what, exactly? That I was orchestrating an undercover op in the Wheelhouse and you might be interested to know about it?"

Jay looked sheepish for about a second before returning to his normal cool. "Yep."

"Okay, so what?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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