It's a Trap!

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Evie opened her eyes to see the ceiling of her own house. Blinking the sleep away, she took several seconds to think about what had happened that day and why she couldn't remember coming home. She saw a figure sitting in a chair near the couch.


Olly jumped and quickly came over to kneel down next to her. "Hey. You fell asleep at the Roost, so I drove you home. Um, 'the baby blue' and 'blue jay' both texted you asking where you were and I didn't know what to say but um, here." Olly pushed her phone into her hands and Evie murmured her thanks while he dashed from the room.

The Baby Blue: thanks for the loan earlier
I thought you said you were gonna show up?
If you don't text back in the next hour Voight is gonna blow a gasket
Srg. Platt said you were probably fine but you should still text me
Or anybody

Blue Jay: you're not here
Get over here
I'm just gonna assume you got held up

Evie rolled her eyes at Adam's persistence and Jay's acceptance of her always being late to things. Granted, this was more of an absence than being late, but still. For all his complaining, Jay actually put a lot more trust in her than he liked to admit. Adam was great, but he hovered. Jay complained, but he let her do her own thing. They both had benefits for a working relationship. She'd never want to be partnered long-term with either of them, but it was good to team up now and then.



Olly bit his lip, worriedly. "There's a car outside that has been there for a while."

"What car?"

"Silver, sedan, guy keeps smoking."

"Did you send someone to knock?"

"Yeah. They said they were waiting for someone."

"Meaning me."

Olly fiddled with the strings on his hoodie.

Evie sighed and rolled off the bed onto her feet. "Come on, let's go see what's up."

"Are you just gonna walk up to them? What if it's a trap?"

"Have I taught you nothing? Of course it's a trap!" Evie pulled on her boots and stuck her tracker in the tiny pocket on the inside of the tongue. "No, they'll take a gun. Give me the needles for my jacket."

"I can't believe you just let yourself get kidnapped all the time. How is your skull still intact?"

"Not all of them club me over the head, Olly."

Olly shook his head. "I'm calling your detectives as soon as they take you."

"Good, that's fine. Make sure they're not too noisy about it. And show them what you showed me earlier. And don't worry," she finished, pointing a finger at him knowingly. "I'll be fine. Just do your job."

"I got it, mom." Olly ducked his head - not before she saw the uneasy expression on his face - and ran back into the house.

Evie opened the door and looked across the street at her kidnapper's chariot. "Well, it's not like I was expecting to get a lot of sleep tonight."

"From the top," Voight prompted and Olly swallowed nervously.

"After we got home, after I took Evie home, I noticed a car across the street that had been there since earlier today and it doesn't belong to anyone on the street. Evie trains us to notice these things," Olly added, twisting his hands. "Anyway, I told her about it and she decided that even though it was definitely a trap, she was going to go find out what they wanted. Apparently they wanted to hit her over the head and take her somewhere."

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