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Evie hated police stations.

Not because she hated the police, but there was a feeling she got about them, like she was very aware of how she didn't belong. Most of the cops were there because they believed in the difference they made. They were there because they chose to be. Those men and women might have started off in some rough places, but there they walked around like avenging angels and they did belong.

"Hey, pain in my ass, where you been? Thought maybe you'd been killed or something." Platt had always been the same: a wicked tongue and a heart of gold. Or partly gold. MB hadn't quite got the knack of being unashamedly cruel while also somehow caring yet, but she reminded Evie a lot of the older cop.

Ruzek looked at her sideways, clearly amused and very curious as to how Platt knew her.

"Nah, I'm still kicking. You look a little different, but you wear your years well," Evie assured her with equal melodramatic zeal. "You still giving 'em hell?"

"Is there anything else to give?" Platt's face was just as unimpressed as ever when she turned back to her computer.

That woman had given her a lot, in both the hell and help departments. Evie couldn't help smiling fondly even though she'd also like to slap some emotion into her at times. "Nope."

"You two know each other?" Dawson wanted to know.

"Sadly," Evie answered, already beyond done being there. "Can we just get to the part where you ask me questions and I answer some of them in a partially satisfactory way so that I can get to what I want to be doing and you can get to hunting down information about me that I very much doubt you'll find?"

"It's true," Platt sounded out from her desk. "She doesn't exist."

"Sure," Voight responded, and it wasn't totally clear who he was responding to. He lead them upstairs, and with every step Evie disliked the situation more.

It too way too long to give her statement, like it always did. True, it was her day off, technically, but Evie had never been one to sit around and waste time. Unless someone forced her into a vacation, she was going to be working no matter what day it was.

"You look a little like you're about to bolt," Dawson mentioned, taking note of her unmasked distaste.

"I'd like to, but I do try not to run from cops. Sometimes it can't be helped," Evie shrugged, neutralizing her expression, "but I like you guys, so I'll stick around long enough to wear out your patience."

"You like us, huh?" Ruzek nodded, apparently pleased by this.

Evie slapped his chest lightly with the back of her hand. "And you like me too much. Cut that out. You don't even know me."

"I know you keep bulletproof vests and ammo in your car at all times. I know that you've been reading all of us since we met you, like you can see inside our heads. And," he leaned forward a little, "I know that you think Halstead is cute."

"Very impressive," Evie said drily, and gave him a thumbs up.

"So you do think he's cute?"

"Yeah, I think he's cute. Don't worry, I also think you're a badass." Evie flashed Halstead a sardonic smile and he raised his eyebrows.

"A cute badass?"

"They exist. I'm one." That line got a smile out of nearly everyone in the room. "Let's not bother with introductions, yeah? I know all your names, anyway."

Halstead leaned on his desk with his arms folded. "But we don't know yours. Which is weird, considering we've spent all morning together."

"I have a lot of names. Which one do you want?"

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