I'll Do My Best

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Evie blew some warmth into her bare hands before answering Adam's call. "They're inside now, where I wish I was. This is not t-shirt weather."

"Tell me you're wearing more than a t-shirt."

"I'm tough. And this hoodie has fuzz on the inside."

"You're gonna freeze to death. You know what the temperature is right now? I'll be right there."

"Adam, you don't have to-," Evie sighed. He was so stubborn sometimes.

Not even two minutes later, Adam pulled up to the curb.

"What, were you just lurking around the corner?"

"Kind of. Here." He handed her a cup of coffee and while she was savoring the warmth he wrapped a scarf around her neck and pulled a hat down over her ears.

"I know I'm like you and Kim's adopted kid, but she and I are the same age."

"You don't look it, except for when you're being scary. And even then you just look like a scary kid."

"Um, thanks?"

"So what exactly was your plan besides totally not freezing out here?"

Evie gave him a withering look while clutching her coffee up to her lips. "I was going to call a sparrow to keep watch and then attend to other business in the area until they left. Then I was going to either beat the crap out of Oscar or ask him very, very politely to tell me what he knows about Murtagh."

Adam pulled his shoulders together, his bones cracking in the process. "And he would just talk? Everyone we've brought it has been exceptionally unhelpful. Is your brand of politeness just more appealing?"

Evie shrugged. "Hardly. But he'll talk. Or I'll beat the crap out of him."

"You can't just go around beating people up!"

"Uh huh," Evie snorted in his direction.

Adam groaned. "I walked right into that one. Anyway, looks like you won't need to call anyone." He watched figures emerge from the building across the street and saunter down the block. "Are you ready for this?"

Evie eyed the group with apathy. "Guess I'll be going in now."

Adam nodded, one hand on her shoulder. "I'll follow them, you take care of Oscar. Try not to beat him too bad, okay?"

"I'll do my best," Evie promised with a small smile. She allowed Adam to look her over once more as he judged whether this was the best plan even though she would go through with it no matter what he thought.

"One more thing," he said finally.

"I will not get hurt."

"I've heard that before. From you, even."

"I'll do my best," Evie inched away from him, "and that'll have to be good enough. Get going."

Adam shook his head as he climbed back into his car. "You're gonna be the death of me."


"Kid, you're in way over your head. You don't know what you're doing."

"No, I really think I do. And you know what else I think, Oscar?" Evie dug her knee harder into his ribs. "I think that you know that too. So why don't you just tell me where Murtagh stashed the girls and then you can get the hell out of my city and I won't take any further actions against you."

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