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Adam had his head resting on his folded arms as he slouched at his desk watching Evie fold sticky notes into paper swans. "Teach me," he said for the third time in an hour. When Evie didn't respond, he shuffled in place, rearranging his limbs before settling down again. "C'mon, we're both benched and not allowed to go anywhere. Teach me how to do that."

Evie didn't even look at him while she answered. "You've been watching me this whole time. Why didn't you start to do what I did? Do I have to talk you through it?"

"You sound like MB, all bored and superior."

"I do not. She does it better."

"That's true." Adam lifted his head and picked up his own sticky note. "Start again, I'll follow this time."

"Nah, I'm done."

"Come on!"

Footsteps on the stairs made them both pause in hitting the other and instead swung their chairs around to see the boys clear the landing.

Antonio immediately veered over to take stock of the paper swan collection covering Jay's desk. "This is what you've been doing while we've been chasing down your guy?"

"Well," Evie folded her arms, Adam mirroring her pose straight after, "you left us behind. I would have happily joined the chase, but somebody said I had to stay here to babysit Adam."

"Hey, no, I'm here babysitting you," Adam protested.

Jay chuckled while sitting down and gazing at the army of swans in front of him. "She was definitely babysitting you, Adam. Am I allowed to get rid of these?"

"I hate you guys." Adam turned back to his own desk.

"What's with the origami?" Voight stopped to look at them too. Evie wouldn't have guessed that sticky note swans would have been enough to pause everybody in their mad case rush.

Evie spun in her borrowed chair while Antonio gave her a look that said to give it back. "Babysitting is boring. Also, no, you are not allowed to get rid of them."

Jay sighed and refrained from sweeping the notes into the garbage. "Don't you want to know if we got your guy?"

"Obviously you got him, or you'd all be grumpy right now. Who gets to question him? Can I watch?"

"Atwater is, and yes."

Evie shot up and walked to the stairs with Voight calling after her. "Do not interact with him!"

"Fine!" Working with Intelligence was such a pain at times, with all these rules about not working cases where there was a personal connection. With Evie, many of her cases had a personal connection. That's what happened when you had a background like hers. It was also why she loved having the job that she had, where those rules didn't apply to her. But now she was constantly being pulled in by Intelligence to help them with every other case and that meant playing by their rules to a certain extent. Alright, she wouldn't interact with Jared. She'd just skip out altogether and work her own angle.

A hand grabbed her shoulder from behind and Evie just managed to not elbow the person in the face. "Jay! Seriously?"

"Sorry." Jay didn't look sorry at all. "This is not the way to the interrogation rooms."

"I know that."

Jay was still holding her arm so she couldn't leave. "Where are you going? If you leave now I'm going to throw away all your birds."

"Wow, what a threat. I'm shaking." Evie pulled her arm away. "Voight is not going to let me do anything. So, I'm going to follow up with some other things and now that you've got Jared, it should be fine to let me out."

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