Part 2

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Tom Riddle POV

I sat in on the train with my brother and Lizzie just left clearly mad that I didn't tell her about my brother. My brother then said," ooh fiesty one. isn't she?" God how I wished I could smack the smile off his face but he was older than me and also a much better fighter, but I would never tell they that I thought that.

" Stay away from her. She's off limits," I said. I knew that if Mattheo ever got his hands on Elizabeth he would ruin her. She was absolutely perfect. She was beautiful, smart, and she doesn't mind pointing out when anyone is wrong. Even though I love that about her I know that is going to get her in trouble with Mattheo.

" Who said you got to choose that if I want her I get her. We both know well enough that I always get what I want." He spat. He wasn't wrong for the entire 16 years of my life I've seen my brother get anything and everything he wants. The only thing I had that he didn't was Elizabeth. She was by my side since the first day of Hogwarts when we sat next to each other. We immediately became friends. She didn't even care that who my father was. Even if he is the dark lord, she didn't care.

I was not paying any attention to anything my brother said. I was lost in my thought until the moment the train stopped signaling we were here. I walked from Mattheo fast so I could go talk to Elizabeth knowing she was mad. We all went to our tables I sat next to Elizabeth and in front of Elizabeth was her brother Draco. Pretty soon all of friends sat down. We heard Dumbledore call my brother up.

" You have a brother!?" Zambini asked in shock. 'No, he just has the same last name as me how shocking' i thought sarcastically. How can somebody be so stupid.

"Yes, apparently he does and yet didn't feel the need to tell any of us," Elizabeth stated harshly though it was probably well deserved.

"Aww, is the princess mad," Draco mocked. Does he not know how to mind his own damn business? What an asshole. He always tries to start shit with Elizabeth.

"Fuck off, Malfoy" I said which caused him to stop talking. I don't what is up with draco and his dad but they both did whatever me, Mattheo, or my father told them to do.

The hat when put on Mattheo's head immediately said slytherin. 'What a shocker' I thought. Sarcastically obviously. But he then walk over to me and sat between me and Elizabeth. That was an actual shock. My brother and I don't usually hang out together.

My brother was about to start talking to me. I didn't want him too. I didn't want him to say something that I didn't want anyone else to know. Then like she could read my mind she started talking," You know, draco. Now that I think about it I totally understand why Tom didn't want anyone to know about his brother. I mean if you think about it if we didn't go to the same school I wouldn't have told anyone about you."

She must have seen how uncomfortable I was with Mattheo because she doesn't usually start shit with her brother.

"Take that back before I beat the shit out of you" He spat. He better be lieing because if he was serious I would kill him.

"I want to see you try," She yelled back but not loud enough for other people to hear. And then I saw it his hand reached out to slap her.

Elizabeth Malfoy POV

I saw my brothers hand reach out to slap me, but before I could react I saw Tom on top of Draco, Punching over and over again. His hand looked a little bruised but it was obvious he didn't care.

I screamed at Tom get off him. I may not like him but he was still my brother.

As people started to swarm, around us, I was still screaming for Tom to stop. Then I heard him Mattheo fucking Riddle was laughing. He thought this was funny. "What the hell is wrong with you" I yelled.

He completely ignored me but whatever I didn't care. I watched as the professors managed finally pull Tom off of Draco. Then the professors told Zabini and Greengrass to take him to the hospital wing.

Both riddles came up to me and I heard Mattheo congratulate his brother like it was a good thing that Draco was unconscious. I still cared about Tom more than draco. He had cuts on his knuckles.

When both brothers finally came up to me I grabbed Tom hand and examined it. I told I would him clean the blood out before the meeting we had to go to.

Mattheo and Tom looked confused as to why I was going to the meeting. "I'm getting the dark mark," I whispered quietly.

Tom grabbed my hand and roughly pulled me all the way to his dorm as Mattheo followed both of us clearly both of them were pissed off when I said those 5 words.

As soon as we got inside Tom went off on me. "Why would you agree to that," he yelled raising his voice at me. I could practically see the anger on his face.

Before I could reply, Mattheo raised his voice at me as well," Stupid girl, what the hell are you doing? Do you think what your doing is funny? " I didn't even know he cared. He doesn't even know me.

" You both say that like I have a choice I turned 16 last week. Remember. My father would kill me if I said no." I yelled but not as loudly as I hoped.

The look of devastation feel on Tom's face. "It's fine, Tom. I swear." I told him and her wrapped his arms around me as if I was never coming back. Mattheo though looked uncomfortable with Tom's hands wrapped around me.

From the looks on both Tom and Mattheo's faces, I was now completely and utterly terrified. What could happen?

1050 words

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