Part 10

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Elizabeth Malfoys POV

I woke up to Mattheo and Tom gently waking me up. "Lizzie, come on wake up," I heard someone say probably Tom since Mattheo always calls me, Elizabeth.

"I'm up," I said. Then it hit me we had to kill a bunch of muggleborns.

"You have to write those letters darling," Mattheo said. I nodded. He pointed to his desk which had a bunch of paper. I sat down and started to write telling them to meet me at the forbidden forest.

Tom Riddles POV

I grabbed my brother's arm and dragged him out of his room and brought him to my room. "What," he asked annoyed.

"You do realize this going to break her right," I yelled at him. I didn't want it to be like my first massacre.

"Its the best we can do for her. She does not have to kill anyone and father won't kill her for not listening to him. We did all we could for her, ok." he told me. He was right. This is all the both of us could do for her. Hopefully, she does not blame herself.

The heard the door open and saw her standing there. "I wrote to 30 people. Is that good?" she asked.

"30 mudbloods," I asked. They have to be mudbloods according to my father.

"Yes, 30 muggleborns," she said clearly trying to correct me by emphasizing when she said 'muggleborns'.

Mattheo laughed as she corrected me. "Good," Mattheo said. "When are we meeting them," he asked.

"At midnight," she answered. He nodded.

"You hungry," I asked her. She shook her head no. I should have guessed. I would usually convince her to go eat, but today she was in a plot to kill 30 people. I understood her, so I let it go. Her and Mattheo left my dorm, so they could go to there own dorms.

Mattheo Riddles POV

We left Tom's room and I saw her moving towards her dorm. "Are you alright," I asked her.

She looked at me like I was stupid. "I am helping you and Tom kill 30 innocent people, what do you think Riddle. Are you really that dumb?" she spat and her words struck like venom. I wanted my words to hurt even more. I pulled her into my dorm.

I pinned her to the wall and held her by her neck as I said,"Aww, can the little princess not take it. What a pathetic little witch." She tried to remove my hand. "Is little Ms. Perfect a murderer now. Your so damaged. Maybe that's why Tom kept you by his side because no one else wants you. Even your best friend took pity on you. Sorry ex best friend."

Elizabeth Malfoys POV

Tears were flooding down my eyes. "Aww did I hurt your feelings. Keep crying. It looks good on you." Mattheo said as he wiped one of my tears off with one of his fingers. He put his finger in his mouth.

"Please let go Mattheo," I begged trying to remove his hand.

"Fine, but Do. Not. Ever. Disrespect. Me. Like. That. Understand." he said pausing after ever word. I nodded letting him know I understand. He just squeezed his hand tighter around my neck. "When I ask you a question I expect you to answer with your words." he said with a grin on his face. He thought this was amusing.

I pulled out my wand while he was looking at my face and I used it to throw him into a wall. "Don't tell me what to do. Don't pin me on your wall. Don't talk down to me like your better than me and don't try me. I am not some toy you bark a order at and does whatever you want. We may be getting married, but you are not better than me." I yelled with my wand pointed at him.

"Well this is an interesting site. " Tom laughed as he walked in to help Mattheo off the floor. It was obvious he saw the entire thing.

"I'll see you at the forbidden forest," I said as I blew a kiss to both of them then waved as I walked out as they both watched.

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