Part 6

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Elizabeth Malfoy POV

TW: Abuse and Eating Disorder

I woke from Tom and Mattheo screaming at each other. I heard Tom scream," What the hell."

I heard Mattheo yell," Shut up your going to wake her up, dick."

"What are you both yelling about," I screamed and they both turned to look at me.

"Oh the slut is awake," Tom said while glaring at me.

"What the fuck did you just call me," I asked mad. Tom nodded to my clothes. I was wearing Mattheo's shirt and my underwear and bra.

"Why am I wearing your shirt, Mattheo." I asked confused.

"You fucked my brother that's what happened," Tom said. There was no way I slept with Mattheo. I couldn't have I tried to remember anything after I laid in the bed, but I couldn't. We drank a lot I probably just blacked out, but why was I wearing Mattheo's shirt.

"I gave it to you when you laid in bed, but that was the last thing I remember," Mattheo informed me.

"And you being a whore, you two fucked," Tom said.

"Don't call her that," Mattheo yelled.

Tom looked at me again,"Whore." Then Mattheo tackled him keeping him pressed on the floor.

"You need to keep your mouth shut." Mattheo said.

"Mattheo, let him go," I yelled and with that Mattheo got off him.

"Whatever you two can have each other," Tom yelled as he left and slammed the door.

"I don't think we fucked," I said.

Mattheo laughed, "I wouldn't put it against me. I've fucked somebody without remembering before."

"There is no way we did it," I said. He shrugged and just left the room.

I decided to change and after i changed my dad walked in."Elizabeth, come now," he said. I knew what was about to happen. My dad was probably mad about the fight yesterday between me, Tom, and Mattheo. I already knew what to expect.

We walked to my parents's room. My mother wasn't in there. When we walked in my dad closed the door and cast a silencing spell on the room. He started talking, "Yesterday, what you did you embarrassed our family." he slapped me in the face. I didn't talk. Me and my brother both knew if you tried to convince him to stop he hurts you more.

Time Skip

After my father was done I was covered in bruises. I grabbed my wand a cast a spell to cover them up. Then I went back to my room and Mattheo was in there I go to the other side of the bed to lay down.

"Hey" Mattheo said. I was bruised and extremely tired, so I didn't respond. I wanted Tom. Whenever I was with him I was safe. I never told him about my fathers abusive behavior.

"Does Tom still hate me," I asked.

" He hates me and you," Mattheo stated.

"I'm gonna go to his room. I'll be back," I told him as I got up and walked out the door.

I saw Tom's room. I normally don't knock I just walk in, but since we were in a fight So I knocked on the door.

He opened it and rolled his eyes. "Tom I know your mad at but can I stay in your room for a little." I asked.

Tom rolled his eyes clearly annoyed and opened the door more so I could walk in. I walked in and he followed me in.

He laid on his bed and opened his arms signalling I could lay with him.

I walked over and laid in his arms. I could smell his expensive cologne. Tom start talking, "This doesn't mean were friends. I still don't like you," he said.

I rolled my eyes and pushed his arm off me and stormed out of his room. By the time I had got to my room there were tears in my eyes.

I opened the door and laid down. Mattheo must have seen my tears because he asked if I was ok and I told him I was fine. But I was anything but fine the person I trusted more than anyone hates me for something I didn't do and wants nothing to do with me.

Time Skip

My house elf came and told me lunch was ready I didn't eat breakfast, but it's not like I would eat much if I made some anyways. I had an eating disorder because of all the insults that my brother and father said to me.

Me, Tom, Mattheo,Voldemort, Draco, and my parents were all there. I didn't eat anything I just picked at my food. Normally Tom would convince me to eat something small, but he didn't care anymore. Which meant no one did considering I only told Tom. My family also knew my brother and father think its funny and my mother was always worried but didn't say anything.

After lunch, we all went to our rooms. Me and Mattheo were just reading on our bed when Tom came in. "Did you eat?" he asked. Mattheo looked confused why he was asking me that.

Without looking up for my book, I said,"Like you care.

"Your right. I don't. Keep starving yourself. See if I care," he said as he walked out.

"You starve yourself?" Mattheo asked.

"Can we not talk about it," I asked.

"Sure," he says. I was glad he agreed. I didn't want to talk about it.

I went to go take a bath. Its the best place to make decisions and think about things. I thought about me and Mattheo's arranged marriage.  I thought about me and Tom's fight. I thought about my relationship with the both of them. I realized Tom didn't even give me a chance to explain myself. He just assumed the was right. I realized Mattheo and I have gotten a little closer. Well at least we are going back to Hogwarts tomorrow. Hopefully something stays normal. Ever since Mattheo Riddle came to Hogwarts it is like fell into a hole that just keeps going down.

1018 words

A Heart For Heart; Tom Riddle and Mattheo RiddleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum