Part 15

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Tom Riddles POV

Me and Mattheo were at the Malfoy Manor for about 2 hours. For the first hour my father tortured Lucius for the second hour they were just talking. I enjoyed the first hour far more then the second. The second hour consisted of Mattheo smoking and I just sat down thinking about me and Lizzie's kiss.

Did she like it? Did she hate it? Does she want to stay friends? Does she want to be more than friends? I have never thought so much about I girl. I normally just have sex with a girl than basically never talk to them other than when I want to have sex again. So why is it so complicated with Liz. There are two answers to this question that I could think of. One I had a crush on Lizzie since we were 13. The second answer is quite obvious. She's marrying my brother. Well, this stupid kiss has gone to shit. Well, the kiss was actually pretty good, but god the problems it created.

After 30 more minutes of over thinking, my father and Lucius finally walk out of the room. My father walked over to me and Mattheo. " You two may leave now. Trust me when I say Lucius has learned his lesson. Lucius now apologize to Mattheo for hurting some thing that's his. I have business to attend to so I will be taking my leave." My father said before he left the room. It's disgusting how he said that like Lizzie's a toy that Mattheo owns and that Lucius just put a scratch on her.

Mattheo stands up and smirks. I know my brother enjoys power over someone. Especially when their older than him. Lucius bows his head and says," I am sorry, my lord. I knew that Elizabeth was supposed to be yours, but. " he was cut off by Mattheo.

I saw the smirk on my brothers face fade into an angered look. "You knew you weren't supposed to do it and yet you did it anyway. You thought you could slowly destroy something that is mine. " Lucius immediately shook his head no while his head was still bowed his eyes looking at the ground. "No," my brother mocked. "Look me in my eyes Lucius. " the blonds eyes finally met with my brothers cold ones. "Why did you do it? " Mattheo asked.

"Because of my daughter's attitude. She has good manners and she may walk every step with grace, but her attitude and temper are fiery. I wanted to train that out of her for you. You saw it to that day she caused a fight with you and Tom. I wanted to be a good wife for you. " Lucius answered. I was a second away from literally killing him with my bear hands. I could see it on Mattheo's face that he was too. Hearing him talk about Lizzie like she was a dog he was trying to train for my brother. He would be dead if he wasn't Lizzie's dad.

Mattheo started talking anger piercing his voice,"First of all Lucius, the day I got in a fight with her and Tom, I did see her temper I know she does have one, but I also saw her loyalty. She cast a spell on the son of the dark lord to help her friend. That not only shows her loyalty it also shows her bravery. Second of all, the grace and manners your talking about. She manages to keep them even when she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. There is a reason my father picked her out of everyone because she's perfect. She could be the wife of the next Dark Lord and make it look easy. So do not degrade my fiancee in front of me again Lucius or maybe some horrible accident will happen. I mean people do die every day and every hour." I saw a flash of fear on Lucius. "Any way let's go brother." Mattheo said to me. We both got up and left and the manor.

We arrived at Hogwarts in silence and we both immediately went to our dorms. When I got to my dorm I started to think of all the things my brother said about Lizzie. Did he love her? Probably not, but he likes her. He protects her. He cares about her in a completely different way than I do but he likes her whether he can admit to himself or not. He only likes her I love her I have since we were 14.

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A Heart For Heart; Tom Riddle and Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now