Part 11

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TW: blood, Murder, Death

I was in my dorm reading, when I looked day at my clock. It was 11:30 pm. We all agreed to leave 30 minutes before the massacre of the innocent muggleborns happens. I got up and snuck out to the forbidden forest. Mattheo and Tom were already there.

"I thought you wouldn't show considering the shit you pulled earlier," Mattheo said angrily. Well clearly he's still pissed at me, but I'm still mad at him.

"Unless you want me to hurt you even more then just throwing you at the wall, I suggest you shut up." I yelled back at him.

"Oh sweetheart, I didn't have my wand then. But now I have it. Are you sure you still want to test me?" he asked smugly.

"If you keep talking I will kill you both myself." Tom spat.

Mattheo laughed as he said,"You kill me," he continued laughing," The princess over here has a better chance of killing me than you do," he said pointing at me.

"If you are so awesome you can kill the muggleborns by yourself. Me and Tom will be doing anything else." I spat and Tom gave me a smile.

"I could kill all of them myself but my father wants the 3 of us to do it together." Mattheo said.

"Yay, teamwork, " I said sarcastically.

"Can we all come up with a plan now instead of arguing. We get it. Everyone hear hates the other 2 people. Now let's get to work. We already wasted 5 minutes of time talking." Tom said. He seemed really annoyed and agitated. So, I simply agreed, but Mattheo didn't.

"Who died to make you team leader." Mattheo said.

"The mudbloods we are about to kill. You know if we don't kill each other first." Tom said.

"Lets just say the plan." I said. Merlin, this fight is getting so annoying.

"Fine, Elizabeth is there to meet them so they don't suspect anything. Then we kill them after giving them a 10 second head start. You did tell them not to bring there wands, right?" Mattheo said.

"Yes I told them not to bring their wands, but why are we giving them a 10 second head start?" I asked confused.

"Mattheo likes to play a game he says the kill is more fun when they have hope in there eyes before he kills them." Tom informed.

"Your a monster," I said looking at Mattheo.

"I don't care. We are still giving them a 10 second head start. Got it?" He said.

"They are dieing either way, Lizzie. Just do it." Tom said.

"Fine," I said. I never thought I would be someone who would help innocent people die. I was waiting for them to come so i could greet them and Mattheo and Tom hid.

Time Skip

They were all almost here, so I started talking to a few of them. After a while they all arrived. "Ummm why are we here," Someone asked.

"Well because my father wants you died," Mattheo said with a smirk.

A few people tried to turn around and run but Tom blocked their path. "I think it would be best if you listen to what my brother has to say," Tom smirked as well.

"I knew you weren't a good person. You are a monster just like everyone else in your family." Another random person yelled.

"Well, that doesn't really matter. What does is that I am giving you 10 seconds to run." Mattheo said and evil grin on his face. They all froze like they didn't understand what he said. "10, 9, 8, now is when you run dumbasses."

They all ran, but after the 10 seconds were over Mattheo and Tom hunted them all mercilessly. I saw Tom hit a girl with a spell to paralyze was her. Then he used a knife to slice her neck. Leaving her for dead. I saw Mattheo hit a guy with a spell and the person screamed with agony. I saw blood falling from him. Mattheo was killing him from the inside until I saw him snap his neck.

I saw 2 people next to me watching with smiles. My father and Voldemort. "Interesting site isn't it. How merciless they can be. " Voldemort said with a grin. He liked watching his son's kill. Did it bring him joy watching people die? Now I realized why Tom didn't like me near him.

I looked over at Mattheo and Tom. They were both almost done killing the muggleborns, but I saw Voldemort grab a girl. She was the last one alive when Mattheo and Tom finished killing everyone else. They both looked at Voldemort weirdly. "I have seen both of my sons do all the killing. Can one of you explain why Elizabeth isn't helping?" He asked.

"Father, we agreed that Lizzie gets them all in the same spot and me and Mattheo do all the killing." Tom says.

"Well she can kill one of them at least. She is going to be marrying the heir of the dark lord. She should be accustom to killing. Have at it, my dear." Voldemort says. His grip on the girl was unfaltering. "Go on kill her." voldemort says urging.

"Please don't. Please don't kill me." the girl pleads.

"Kill her, Elizabeth." Mattheo shouts.

"Listen to them kill her," Tom said and with that the killing curse hit the girl. I killed her.

I looked around me. I saw my father smiling proudly because I impressed the dark lord. Voldemort smiled evilly. He really was the devil. Mattheo looked at me with pity and Tom he looked also had a look of pity, but he gave me a smile to encourage me. I looked at the girl I killed hoping she would come back but I knew she wouldn't. She was died and I was the monster who killed her.

Voldemort and my father apporated away. The second they left I fell on my knees and sobbed. I killed someone. I was a murderer.

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