You Don't Give A Damn About Peter!

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Song of the Chapter is... Medicate by Theory of a Deadman

"C'mon Pepper, that long?" Tony complained as the two were getting into bed and Pepper sighed.

"It's just three days, Tony-"

"But what if-"

"Rhodey won't let anything happen to his nephew. Relax with protective dad mode and go to sleep." The lights went out and the two adults fell asleep Tony still feeling uneasy as he tossed and turned throughout the night. For Tony, sleep seemed as though it were a foreign thing and was something he could not grasp, though he fought desperately to obtain it. As his eyes closed, it felt like mere minutes as the alarm clock went off and his beloved was up and out the door.

********** Time Skip Brought To You By The Queens In This Scene (Also, No Offence To Her Acting, But I Seriously Don't Like Gwenyth Paltrow) ***********

"The notary's here! Can you please come to sign the transfer paperwork?" Pepper announced as she entered the gym where Happy and Tony were boxing. 

'I'm on happy time." Tony replied back as he hit Happy in the face with his elbow. "Sorry."

"What the hell was that?" A bewildered Happy asked as he grabbed his head and stumbled back a bit.

"It's called mixed martial arts. It's been around for three weeks." Tony made up as he hopped from foot to foot and looked off to the side.

"It's called dirty boxing, there's nothing new about it." 

"All right, put them up. Come on."  At this moment, everyone's favorite Russian spy strutted into the room like the model she could be, and both guy's attention was drawn to her.

"I promise this is the only time I will ask you to sign over your company." The spy held out her pad that was in her arms and pointed to specific lines on the paper.

"I need you to initial each box."Happy tapped Tony on the back of the head with a light punch, not enough to hurt him. Tony turned to his bodyguard and Happy took position.

"Lesson one. Never take your eye off-" Before he could finish, Tony kicked him and Happy went crashing into the corner of the ring. Attention shifted to Pepper and the Spy and the sound of a bell went off.

"That's it. I'm done. What's your name, lady?" The billionaire asked and pointed at the spy while opening his water bottle.

"Rushman. Natalie Rushman." 

"Front and center. Come into the church." 

"No. You're seriously not gonna ask..." Pepper tried to disagree, but Tony was persistent and cut her off.

"If it pleases the court, which it does."

"I'm sorry-" Pepper apologized as she looked at the woman next to her and made eye contact, before getting cut off. 

"It's no problem," Natalie said as she began to walk to the ring and Pepper sighed.

"He's very eccentric." Natalie entered the ring and Tony gulped down more green liquid out of his bottle. They had a stare off as Tony continued to gulp down the liquid and then he looked to Happy, eyes barely leaving 'Natalie's'.

"What?" The billionaire questioned as he closed the cap on his bottle and received no reply. "Can you give her a lesson?" 

"No problem." Happy walked to the center of the ring, facing Natalie and Tony stepped out, walking to Pepper.


"What?" The redhead questioned as Tony sat down next to her. 

 "Who is she?" 

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